Chapter 15

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         Chapter 15

          The Island

'Alya, hi. Alya?'

It was white. Everywhere was white. It was quite nice, and peaceful, no, not completely peaceful, there was a purring sound all around her which made her take notice.

'Where?' That was all she could manage, her throat was dry and a familiar sensation swept over her as she realised, she was back in a hospital bed, the dreaded hospital bed, waking up groggily like she had all those times before after an operation when she was a kid.

'You're ok, Alya. They drugged you, but you're not hurt.'

It took Alya a moment to place the voice as the blurred figure in front of her came into focus. Of course! It was Trin. Of course, it was. But where was Hanuel? Where were her mom and dad?


'Hi, Alya,' said Trin, calmly. 'You're not hurt. You might be very bruised but nothing was broken. The nurse will be back in a few minutes, don't worry.'

'Trin,' groaned Alya, as she tried to manoeuvre into a better position. She heard the sound of clinking metal on metal and realised immediately that she had been restrained to the bed rails.

'Trin!' said Alya, alarmed. She was suddenly wide awake and assessing her position on the bed with her wrists and ankles chained to the rails.

'Alya, stop,' mumbled Trin, 'It's no use, look,' she raised her arms for Alya to see that she too wore a pair of rigid handcuffs, and then Alya noticed Trin was wearing an orange t-shirt, and trousers, of the type penitentiary residents would wear. Her hair had been scraped back into a severe bun but more importantly, her lip was split.

'Gods!' cried Alya, fiercely. 'What have they done? Who did this? Trin?'

Trin looked at Alya soberly and Alya could see Hanuel's sister was doing her best to stave off tears.

'You've been unconscious for three days, Aly. A lot has happened.'

'What, Trin, who did this? Where's Hanuel?'

'I don't know,' said Trin, miserably. 'I assume the others are going where we're going. I don't know.'

'Where are we going? What do you mean?' Alya couldn't contain her alarm; she was tied to a bed and her only point of reference was Trin who appeared significantly less than her normal self, and reluctant, or unable, to shed light on their situation. She had to calm down and regain control. 'Trin. Tell me from the beginning what happened?'

Trin sighed as if she'd been through the story many times before. 'They came to our apartment and issued a warrant for mine and Hanuel's arrest, citing terrorist activities. They got Lancelot, Berlin, and Red too. We were transferred to The Pen where they processed us, and asked us questions.' Trin half gestured at her split lip and Alya knew exactly what sort of questioning she meant. 'Then they boarded us. I was separated from the other girls that they took. There are a lot of us, Alya. They let me stay with you the last few hours, for when you woke so that you had someone familiar with you. The doctor and nurse are ok, but, Alya, the others scare me. There's a man, General Trop, and he really means business, Aly. He did this...' She gestured for certain this time at her split lip and she appeared angry and tearful. 'He wanted to know all about you. They are very interested in you, Alya, and what you've done.'

'Trin,' said Alya, softly, she was devastated that Trin had been subjected to such cruel treatment and all because of her actions. 'Damn them! I'm so sorry, Trin. This shouldn't be happening.'

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