Tomb Raider: The Aftermath. Part 2.

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Her eyes open slowly, flickering slightly as they adjust to the confines of the room in front of her. The décor was scarce; an old, unvarnished  desk and chair sat in the far corner, only visible due to the circular porthole above it. Beside the bed is a dressing table, although fairly new, the broken frame is chained to the walls which groan simultaneously with the ships swaying movements. Lara lay there, admiring the peacefulness, the safety she now felt. She exhales sharply as she struggles to sit up from the bed, she pulls her legs from underneath the quilt and dangles them over the side. She spots it almost immediately, the envelope embroiled with the letter 'L', with delicately placed swirls and kisses plastered all over its cover. She reaches out her hand and grabs the envelope, she pulls back the seal and opens up the note inside. She recognised the handwriting straight away, the intricate details like the swooping t's and the drooping e's told her it was Sam's:


I'm so sorry for everything. Jonah found you passed out in the corridor, he took you straight to the medic on board before putting you to bed, I think he might have a soft spot for you. I can't wait to get home Lara, I know we said we were going to 'unearth lost treasures' but I can't do this to myself again, I don't want anyone else to get hurt because of me. I don't think tomb raiding is for me, but it is for you Lara, it's tied to your blood. You feel this compulsion within you, I know you do, I see it consume you just like it did with your father. I know I will never be able to stop you from fulfilling what you believe you are destined to be but please Lara, be careful. I cant lose you too. Not after everything we've been through.

I love you Lara, more than you will ever know.

Sam x"

Folding the letter back  into it's envelope Lara lay back into the bed. She pulls the covers over her shoulders and turns away from the cabin door. This was the time Lara hated, being alone in the intruding darkness, she could almost feel the beckoning of Mathias' hands tracing down the lines of her spine. She closes her eyes tightly, trying to force the nightmares out of her damaged skull. Tears fill her eyes as the memories of the island overwhelm her. She jolts up from the bed and reaches suddenly for the light switch. The light blinds her as the beams of swords invade the room. She saw him then. Stood in the corner of the room, his back facing her. "What are you doing in here?" She asks, wrapping the quilt around her exposed body. "Do you speak?" Her foot hesitates as it begins to move along the floor of the cabin. "No... One... Leaves..." He whispers, over and over until his words make any audible sense. He turns quickly with outstretched fists, slamming her into the desk and chair which explode on impact. His night black eyes are fixated on her, his arms are outstretched and contorted in the most inhuman manner, ready to attack. "NO... ONE... LEAVES..." He charges at her then, running at her like an uncaged rabid animal. "GIVE US THE SUN QUEEN!" Lara sees her pistol in her holster hanging by the bed, the barrel winks at her as he approaches. She runs for the pistol, grabs it, turns, and fires, only then realising the consequences.

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