𝑡ℎ𝑖𝑟𝑡𝑒𝑒𝑛 𝑝𝑡. 𝐼

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'Ah... Paris, the city of love...' said a man walking past Jaehyun, who was standing at the airport baggage counter, stunned. Next to him was Haeyoung, yelling and cursing at everyone in sight, throwing a few swear words at Jaehyun every few seconds so he didn't feel left out.

'How can you lose a whole goddamn suitcase?' she shouted at the man behind the counter, who clearly wanted to be anywhere but there.

'Ma'am, we would like to–'

'Go back to Korea and get my bag,' she cut him off.

'Ma'am... we don't know how this happened but–'

'It's all your fault,' she turned to Jaehyun. 'You just had to exist and make my life miserable.'

As a matter of fact, it was Jaehyun's fault. He vaguely remembered Haeyoung telling him to get her bag onboard while she went to the bathroom. He also vaguely remembered asking an attendant in the VIP lounge to get this done for him. And, he sort of, maybe even somewhat clearly remembered seeing a suitcase of the same make and shape being left behind as he was leaving.


'Listen,' he whispered, pulling her aside.

'What?' she snapped.

'Why don't you let me handle this?' he said and turned to the man behind the counter who now had tears in his eyes.

'Hi, what's your name?'

'Jeno,' he replied.

'That's a lovely name. I am Jaehyun.'

'I know,' he sniffled.

'You know...' Jaehyun sighed. 'Well, is there any way we can get her suitcase back?'

'N-no, Sir.'

'Alright,' he said.

Behind him, Haeyoung's mouth fell open. 'This is how you handle things? Honestly, how is your–'

'–company still not bankrupt,' he mimicked. 'Yeah, I know. But guess what? I am still the President.'

'Some President,' she scoffed. 'Can't even handle a suitcase.'

'Oh, my god.' He rolled his eyes. 'You know what.'


'You know what?'



'Yeah, learn how to speak first.'

He gasped, looking from Jeno to Haeyoung.

'I'll tell you what we are going to do now,' she said. 'Sue them first.'

'We can't sue them.''

'Why not?'

'Haeyoung, we are not suing the airline.'

'No, I want you to sue the airport.'

'An airport is a building. We can't sue the airport.'

'Then, you are going to buy me a whole wardrobe.'

'Well, that I can do,' he replied.

'I don't care, you– wait, what did you say?' She looked up at him, confused.

'Buy you new clothes,' he said. 'Let's do that.'

'Oh.' She wanted to say something, not sure what but the smile on his face held her in place. 'You agreed...'

'So easily?' He leaned in, pressing his lips together.

'Are you – I don't understand.'

His face grew serious and his gaze fell to the floor before meeting her eyes again. 'Well, it is my fault that your suitcase is lost. Let me make up for it.'

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