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"Delle! Eges!" a Togruta woman called from her chair. "Come here!"

"Yes, Mommy," a Togruta girl, around the age of eleven said, running toward her.

"Coming, Mom!" a human boy dashed after her. He was two years younger than his sister. The two arrived at the feet of their mother, who gestured for them to sit. They complied.

"I think it's high time I told you a story," the woman said. "But it's a long one, so you'll have to bear with me."

"Mom," the boy, Eges, complained. "We're too old for stories."

"Not this one, you're not," the woman said patiently. "In fact, I'm still unsure if you're too young to hear this. So if you don't want to hear it..."

"No! I want to," Eges perked up. Usually when his mother mentioned he was too young for something, that meant there was some form of violence in it.

"So do I," Delle said. She was usually the quieter and FAR more mature child of the two, and liked to listen, rather than rant.

"What's the story about?" Eges asked.

"Well..." Delle and Egan's mother pretended to think for a second. "It is a war story-"

"YES!" Eges exclaimed. He loved war stories.

"-with a good amount of rule breaking, blood, blasters and lightsabers-"

Eges' eyes went wide. He could hardly believe it.

"-and a sprinkle of romance, here and there," the Togruta finished with a sly smirk, yet a distant look in her eyes.

"Awww," Eges whined. He hated love stories with a passion. They were always so-, what was the word, gross! That was it.

Delle, however, sighed dreamily. She, unlike her brother, loved a good romance. Especially if it was a battle-hardened relationship. Those were always the best. Like the one about two humans who helped their village understand that another species native to that world was actually being controlled by their alpha and not actually evil. "What was that world's name? Berk? No, that was the village... ARCHIPELAGO! That's the name!

"Last chance to say you don't want to hear it," their mother warned.

"Fine, I'll listen to it," Eges said, begrudgingly. "But get through all the mushy-gushy stuff quick, please?"

"I make no promises," the Togrutan mother smiled. "And you, Delle?"

"You had me at 'sprinkle of romance'," Delle smiled softly.

"Alright then, since you both want to hear it so badly," the Togruta mother reclined a little. "A long time ago, in a galaxy far, far away..."

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