Never ending sycle (SL)

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TW: Death, Suicide ,Going "insane"
Third Person's POV (Scar):

Scar had been wandering the treacherous landscapes of Secret Life for what felt like an eternity. He had been playing the death game since day one, when he was transported to this world without any warning or explanation from his home in the never-ending void.

He had quickly learned that this was a game of survival, where only one person could win. The stakes were high, with every day bringing a new task from the Secret Keeper, a giant rock with magical powers that controlled the game.

If the contestants completed the task successfully, they would earn extra hearts that could help them in the future. But if they failed, they would receive nothing and be left vulnerable for the next task. The main objective was to be the last stander, the sole survivor of Secret Life.

It watched over the players, somehow feeding off of their pain and sorrows. They must have loved Scar because he was full of it. No allies and no teammates, due to the Secret Keeper having some form of a problem with him. Most of his episodes were of him being a villain to complete his task, risking his chances at making friends for a few petty hearts.

He was seen as a villain by the other players. The servers' number one enemy. They avoided him, refusing to ally with him for fear of being betrayed because of his previous sessions. Some were nice to him, but he soon found out that the kind gestures were only for the person to get into his good books. He was truly and utterly alone.

But despite being alone, Scar had managed to make it to the top three survivors. All three of them had one task left: to win the game. Scar had a strategy, one that was often perceived as foolish and reckless, but in reality, it was incredibly cunning. Team up with one and destroy the other. Then, a little bit of stone cold betrayal.

Throughout the game, he had taken down his competition one by one, using his wits and his sword. But now, with only two survivors left, Scar needed to step up his game. He had to defeat Gem, the only other survivor left besides himself and his late coming ally Pearl, in a 2 vs. 1 battle.

Scar knew he couldn't do it alone, so he approached Pearl and offered to keep her alive in order to take down Gem. Surprisingly, she accepted. Together, they came up with a plan to take down Gem, the last survivor. With their combined skills and strategies, they managed to defeat Gem and eliminate her from the game. Scar felt proud of himself, and Pearl celebrated her factory.

With a sense of triumph and relief, Scar knew what he had to do. Part two of his plan. He shot an arrow, hitting Pearl in the shoulder with precision, letting the other know the war wasn't over just yet.
Scar was ready to declare himself the winner.

However, as Scar's eyes met Pearl's, a thought crossed his mind. He had been alone for so long, and now that he finally had a companion, he couldn't bring himself to kill her. He pulled his faughts together, pressing his guilt into a tiny obedient box in his mind. The only fought he had to think of now was winning.

The battle roared on, both players fighting to survive the wrath of the other. Arrows flew, krits where delt, and Pearl fell. She was eliminated, dead, out of the series. Scar had won.

"Where are you, Pearl! I will find you!" Scar's voice echoed across the now empty wasteland. He searched for her, stumbling down a ravine where he fought he saw her run into. It wasn't until he saw the lifeless body of Pearl that he realized what had happened.

"She's dead, Scar. You won." Grian's ghostly voice boomed above him before everything went dead silent once more. Scar started giggling to himself, not believing the outcome of this seasons winner. "How did the guy with no friends win? I don't understand." It was only when Scar's vision began to blur that he realized he was crying.

He wiped the tears away, slowly making his way over to the Secret Keeper to cash in his success. He had done it. He won Secret Life. With a sad smile and a heavy heart, he pressed the succeed button, whispers of the magical rock forming around him as the symbol flashed green. An indication of his fictory.

It was over. Scar could go home. He could see his friends again, and he could return to his passive ways on Hermitcraft with Jellie and the Hermits. He no longer needed to fight for survival. He felt free.

His freedom was short-lived, however, when the countdown of another task ticked in his ears. With a flashing light, a new scroll appeared in Scar's hands. Confused, he opened up the scroll, his eyes whidening in confusion. The same words flashed on the page, written in black and white. Win Secret life.

This couldn't be. He won it, didn't he? He was the last survivor. He was the winner. There must have been something wrong with the system. Scar tried again. Pressing the succeed button and watching the symbol flash green once more. He was free now, surely. Another scroll. Win Secret Life.

In a moment of panic, Scar repeatedly pressed the button, the same sycle repeating itself till he eventually got the same scroll with the same task once more. Scar let out an ugly sob, hitting the button after what felt like hours of trying. The same sycle, with no hope of escaping. It should have dawned on him that he couldn't escape long ago, but he kept trying.

He kept pressing the button over and over again until his hand felt numb, and his brain could only proses the words "Win Secret Life." After what felt like hours, he got a new idea.

The previous winners all died, and then the game ended. He kept trying to kill himself in many diffrent ways. Falling off of high plases, mobs, drowning, lava, his own sword. He hoped for freedom, instead he would always spawn back in front of the Secret Keeper, back on one heart.

Eventually, Scar gave up on his wish for freedom, deciding to just give up and cry. He sat in the corner on one of the Secret Keepers many rocks, his knees held tightly up against his chest. He was sobbing, letting the tears fall freely as he faught of all of the stuff that happened in this game of death.

What had once been a game filled with thrill and excitement had now turned into an endless nightmare for Scar. He was stuck in a never-ending loop, forced to relive memories of the game over and over again, with no end in sight.

As he sat in defeat, Scar couldn't help but wonder if he truly was the villain everyone saw him as. Or was he just another victim of the Secret Keeper's twisted game? Either way, he was doomed to spend eternity in the death game, with no escape in sight.

Scar was doomed to relive his deepest regrets, fears and sorrows till the next game would begin.


Remember to let me know what you want to see next in the comments.

Don't worry, part two of the one story is still coming, aswell as one of your suggestions for FlowerRanchers:D

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