Book Reviews

49 9 24

Hey, fellas!!
Hope you're doing well.

First of all, thanks to y'all very much for giving TCCC your time and your beautiful eyes! (trying to flirt, ehm..) I really appreciate your support, and I promise to give you my all!!

Not gonna take a lot of your time, so in short,

I made this chapter to read all of the reviews of The Cosmic Coffee Cup!

What are the benefits? Gimme a min, *Rattling voices* here! I brought a pen and a paper.

So, If you're a new reader of TCCC, you'll be able to check out other people's reviews so that you can know if the story deserves it or not. Am I right?

And for me, you'll give me a honest review, whether negative or positive. Because i love to improve my self and I search for the best version of my stories!! So your review will help A LOT.

To sum up, could you please leave a review? Even if it's just one word, thanks in advance !


Now, to give it a start, I made my bookworm friend ask Chat-GPT to make a honest review about the story, and here is it:

<<The story is a captivating blend of science fiction and adventure, taking the reader on a rollercoaster journey through time and space. The narrative is filled with unexpected twists, from the revelation of time-traveling aliens to the protagonist's encounter with the formidable Tervano. The humor injected throughout adds a delightful touch, balancing the suspenseful moments.

The character dynamics, particularly between the protagonist and Lia, contribute to the story's charm. Lia's mysterious yet protective nature adds layers to the plot, keeping the reader engaged in the unfolding events. The world-building is imaginative, introducing unique alien species, futuristic technologies, and an arena where the Tervano battles robots.

The climax, centered around the protagonist's attempt to connect with the Tervano, is both intense and heartwarming. The resolution ties up the loose ends while leaving room for a hint of the unexpected, creating a satisfying conclusion.

Overall, the story offers a well-crafted blend of sci-fi elements, engaging characters, and a narrative that keeps readers on their toes from start to finish.>>

Why am I blushing over an AI's review?! I guess I have to go visit a psychologist...

Soooo, if you're reading this, that means that you went through all my stupidity up there. Take this as a thank: 🍫

With love, Chillin' Author.

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