Rᴇᴛᴜʀɴ Tᴏ Sᴇɴᴅᴇʀ

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Cʜᴀᴘᴛᴇʀ 15

"Just 3 for the lot please."

You pulled some cash from your pocket, handing it over to Rosalind Dona— the local baker, in exchange for a loaf of fresh bread.

As soon as you and Russia had stepped into the town square, Maya and Aiden had seen him, and made a beeline towards him, following under his feet as you walked into the bakery together.

They were with him now, across the shop, hounding him with all kinds of childish questions. Though you couldn't stop yourself from smiling as you realised they stopped asking if he was married to America— in place of asking if he was eloped to you now.

Rosalind packaged your bread whilst watching them with you, struggling in vain to hold in her laughter as Russia fought for his life against the two children.

The baker was an older woman— never once turning down the prospect of having a glass of red wine over gossip. Her brown hair tied in a new hairstyle every day, usually done up to mirror the loaves she was offering in her shop amongst the pastries and culinary ingredients.

Usually, her sister, Beatrice, helped run the place, but today it seemed, she was off somewhere with Peggy Jade— the barmaid at the local pub. You always liked Beatrice, and every time she was in, you had a lengthy conversation with her. Usually, it descended into Bea talking nonstop about her friend, as you were the only one on the island who knew she had a thing for her. Not even her own sister knew, but she trusted you enough to keep her secret.

"I think Russia really likes you," Rosalind stated as she pushed your bread across the counter, smiling at you, "If you're given the chance, I think you should leave with him."

You snorted, glancing towards the Russian to assure yourself he hadn't heard. But he seemed too preoccupied with getting his hat back off Maya without harming the little girl to notice anything else. "That's a weird way to say 'Here's your bread my dearly beloved customer.'"

Rosalind rolled her eyes, "Har har," she joked, leaning over the counter to stare down at Maya, before she was suddenly lifted by Russia— laughing and kicking her legs as he held her out like she was some kind of rabid animal. "But in all seriousness, you should think about it, he could be good for you, I mean, look how good he is with Maya, the child loves him."

You turned to look at Russia. He was busy threatening to throw Maya off the cliffs and into the waves, while she giggled like it was the best joke she ever heard.

"Yeah, he seems soooo good with her." You rolled your eyes and smirked at Rosalind, who was staring at you in her peripheral. "Okay ignore what he's saying and he's good with her." She reiterated, before laughing again.

"I'll think about it if it gets you off my case." You mumbled, sparing small glances back at Russia as you lifted the bread into your arms. "Could you do me a favour and tell Maya and Aiden to help you or something? We need to go to a few other places and I don't think Russia would want them under his feet the whole time."

Rosalind nodded and smiled, whistling loudly at the two kids to get their attention.

You tried not to laugh at them as they lined up like soldiers in front of the till, allowing Russia to sprint for the door and throw himself out before they followed.

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