13 Reasons

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I hate myself
For missing the signs
That said you weren't OK.
For ignoring the actions
That said you were crumbling inside.
I walked out
When you needed me the most.
Thinking I was increasing your burden
I left you, alone to fight your demons.
I overlooked the changes in you,
How your eyes lost their shine,
How you were Breaking inside.
I wanted to help you
But it was too late,
You were too determined
Your mind already made up to end it all.
And now here I stand,
Thinking of all of my mistakes
Remembering all of our shared moments
Just wanting to hear your voice once again
Wanting to scream at you for giving up on yourself
When you had so much ahead of you
But you left
Without any trace that you existed
You left the world
Only with your 13 reasons to die
Without looking for even 1 reason to live

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