Brookes back!

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Last week was good for me! Maybe not with the group but In my solo

We all walk in for pyramid and I stand next to Paige and Kendall

"At this time I'd like to officially welcome Kendall, you're a member of the Abby Lee dance company." Abby says

We all clap and I hug Kendall

"Here you go" Miss Abby says handing Kendall the team jacket

"Now listen to me this doesn't mean smooth sail from here on out it means you really have to work hard."

"Yes." Kendall reply's

"When your wearing that jacket you can't be all hunched over and slouchy, so if you see that mom you fake a thumb tack and stick it right between her shoulder blades." Miss Abby says

"We are going to starbound competition in long islands New York, now tell you what they are ready for us they want to beat the Abby Lee Dance Company and they are serious they are like sharks in the water they can taste the blood, alright now"

"Mackenzie, you did well with your solo the last time you need to do even better this time."

"Nia, you're chosen for a special part your mom didn't want you to do it not a lot to say."

"Next Paige, you didn't do a solo you didn't do a duet or trio so there wasn't a lot to judge you on."

"Kendall, you're off probation you're a member of the team however we need to fix the feet the turn out the back of knees you still have a lot of work ahead of you."

"Moving on Maddie. Did a great job, you had a solo but again got beaten by your sister, it's becoming an on going thing if I enter both you and maya in a competition Maya always ends up on top and your left in the dust." Miss Abby says

Maddie turns to look at me, I look down and bite my lip

"And next I have Chloe, Chloe when you walk backstage into those wings you have to walk in with ignorance with your nose up in the air just like how you walk into this studio everyday, those other girls should be afraid of you just because your Chloe and you're from the Abby Lee Dance Company." Miss Abby says

"Maya" Miss Abby says as she takes the paper off my headshot

I raise my eyebrows and look at my mom who has an confused face

"I thought you look elegant in your solo, it really brought out your technique." Miss Abby says

I smile

"And on top of the pyramid is Brooke"

My jaw drops and I turn to Kendall who has her eyebrows raised

My jaw drops and I turn to Kendall who has her eyebrows raised

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We all gasp and then Brooke walks through the door

"AHHH!" We all yell and run over to Brooke
I was the first one to get to brooke and she picks me up and spins me around

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