Chapter 01

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(Her outfit )

After a very awkward morning and a few waffles drowned in syrup we finally left the house and drove to school, once we got there I bolted over to my friends because 'Bella' didn't want me to 'walk her around' I felt bad so I listened, But I couldn't help but wonder why she didn't want me to be with her to help her get around. "Hey Mallory" rose said to me breaking me out of my thoughts, "Heyy, how are you guys doing?" I asked while walking into Auggie's embrace,  "we're good? Didn't you see us like 12 hours ago though?" She chuckled

"I did?? I had NO IDEA like whatt?" I said with clear sarcasm pouring out into my words. 

"Hello to you too Mal" "hi Auggie" I mumbled, "she said that?!" "What do you mean.." I mumbled, "she can't push you away she's already being a brat and she's only been here like 24 hours!" August exclaimed loudly, "it's fine she can do what she wants. I gotta get to class see you at lunch" I mumbled.

"Mal-" Auggie tried to speak but I was too far away to hear him.


I only had 2 or three classes with isa, but she avoided me like the plague, I tried to talk to her in gym but she wouldn't listen, now for the main event, lunch.


After I'd gotten my lunch that my friends probably wouldn't qualify as lunch (French fries, and a salad, with my water.) Once I sat down with Angela as she's probably the only tolerable person at this table, Bella, mike, and Jess came over.

"Ohh Mikey I see you met my home girl Bella!"

"Oh your home girl?"


"My home girl" Tyler said before kissing Bella on the cheek and pulling mikes chair out of under him, while this was happening I was trying so so hard now to wheeze because Jess looked like she was going to kill someone.

"Oh my god! It's like first grade all over again and your the shiny new toy.." Jess said to Bella with jealousy laced in her tone.

"Smile!" Angie said to Bella while taking a photo for the feature, "sorry I needed a candid for the feature" "Features dead angles don't bring it up again" "dude don't be a jerk she didn't know the least you could do was tell her but you didn't so shut up" I barked at Eric, "And that's coming from you??" "What's that supposed to mean?" He snapped back, "guys guys it's fine please don't fight.." Angie said softly, "whatever." Once a few more minutes passed my favorite people came in the cafeteria,   

"Who are they?" Bella suddenly spoke, "the cullens" "they're uh Doctor and Mrs cullens foster kids, they moved down here from Alaska like a few years ago" "they kinda keep to themselves" "aside from miss mal here she's basically a part of their group at this point" "oh hush.." I said with a grin, "they're like all together, like together together, uhm the blonde girl that's Rosalie, and the big dark haired guy Emmett, they're like a thing, I'm not even sure that's legal" "they're the best couple at this school and you know it" I spoke up, Jess rolled her eyes but continued on, "Jess they're not actually related" "but they live together it's weird, ok and the little dark haired girl Alice she's like really weird, and she's with Jasper the blonde one who looks like he's in pain" "can we not gossip about my friends??" I questioned just to be ignored again, "uhm dr Cullen is like this matchmaker foster dad" "maybe he'll adopt me" Angie said "hahahah sorry ang no he's got enough with Emmett and august" I chuckled, "who's he?" "That's Edward Cullen, he's totally gorgeous but but apparently no body here's good enough for him, and that's August Cullen, Aka mallorys 'best friend' even though they'd be so cute together" "oh my gosh shut up Jessica" "and Bella seriously don't waste your time" "wasn't planning on it..." "well if you don't mind me I'm going to be over there for the remainder of the lunch period. Byeeee" "bye mal" Angela replied. 

"Heyy how was your classes??" Rosie asked white also greeting me, "they were fine" I mumbled, then rose looked at Auggie for the truth, "Bella ignored her and Jessica was being a self centered jerk, "AUGGIE" "sorry love she needed to know" "sure she did" " Anyways are you coming over later??" Jasper asked me, "I dunno maybe, but I think I have dinner with my dad and isa, "alrighty" 


After school I waited in the truck for Bella to hop in, but once she did she was accusing me of telling Edward bad things about her like "UGHH YOU MUSTVE TOLD HIM I SMELLED OR SAID SOMETHING BAD BECAUSE HE HATES ME AND-"

At this point I just ignored her until she started driving home.


"I just can't get over how grown up you are! And so gorgeous" "hiya Bella you remember me? I played Santa one year" "Waylon she hasn't had a Christmas here since she was four" dad reminded him "I bet I made an amazing impression though didn't i?" Waylon spoke  "You always do" I said to him. "Ok let the girl eat her garden burger Waylon, as soon as your done I'll bring you your favorite remember? Your dad still has it every Thursday" "thank you that would be great" she thanked Cora. 

"you eat here every night?" Bella asked us

"easier than doing the dishes-" "we do not just a lot of the time we eat here but a few nights i'll cook something" i interrupted dad

"anyways. how was school girls? bella did you meet anyone?"

"a few people... do you know the Cullen family?"

"bella i already said to leave it alone at lunch. remember?"

she continued talking to dad ignoring me

"Just 'cause they're newcomers. We'relucky to have a surgeon like Dr.Cullen at our podunk hospital. Luckyhis wife wanted to live in a smalltown. Lucky his kids aren't like alot of the hell-raisers around here."

"you're not wrong, dad how was work?" i asked trying to divert the subject

then we ate dinner and dad told me about work.\


once we got Home I went to my room to do my homework, but then I heard Bella on the phone with mo-Renee. So I put on headphones,  finished my work, and went to sleep.


I finally wrote another chapter so here you are, this is not proofread so... also I'm so tired. How was your guys Christmases if you celebrate?? Also reminder to drink water and take care of yourself because it's important ❤️

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