First Day In

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Nine months. At the trial, I was relieved to have gotten such a small sentencing after everything that had happened. Elated, even. Yet, I had never processed the real extent of just how long 9 months is. I went in unprepared; lamb to the slaughter, really.

"Barry, cell 146" Some guard commanded.

I stepped out of line as I and the other 10 or so inmates I was bussed in with had reached my cell. I walked into the room as the rest had already walked off to the next person's cell. It was dark. A towel was covering the only thin-slitted window that the room had. I hadn't noticed it at first, but someone was inside. An almost instinctive shutter had rung my body tight. A short, yet bulkier man reading a novel had gotten up out of the bottom bunk and surveyed me up and down. I couldn't make out most of his features, only an outline, which had me wondering how he was able to read in this dim chamber. His bones cracked as he first laid up and then stood in front of me. He let out a disappointed sigh as if I had done something to offend him. Perhaps my presence had left him... unamused. He threw his arm out and stopped it just before it was to couple with my face. I flinched, yet even if I had thrown my head back, I would've been too late for what his attack had to offer. It appeared that I amused him as he let out a small chuckle, picked up his book, and walked out of the cell.

"Get comfy, toothpick!" He declared as he was leaving.

His comment was clearly a reference to my thin stature, though I wasn't that tall. I stood there motionless for a second, but this wasn't my first time so I unwound quickly.

I wasn't given much, just clothing and hygiene products. The most important thing that I had was my release date. August 24th, 2023. The date in 2023 had made it seem a lot further away, considering we were still in 2022. I just had to keep my head down and move on. Nothing was to keep me here longer than I had to be. I pulled down the towel blocking out the light to reveal the rest of the room, and I set my stuff on an empty portion of the bolted metal dresser. I hopped up on the top bunk as it appeared my yet to be named roommate had already claimed the bottom one. The narrow mattress was as comfortable as I expected. I looked up at the ceiling and thought that maybe this could be good for me. Maybe I would learn my lesson and come out of this a better man. Light emitted from the interior of the housing unit was blocked by ten or so men that had enclosed my cell. They were led by a large, in both stature and stomach, man who looked like he couldn't have been more than thirty.

"Can I help you?" I asked in a hostile, even bratty tone.

They stood there completely silent, and a familiar, aggravated throb had pulsed in my head. I leapt out of bed and slowly walked over to the obese man who stood at the front. This wasn't going to be like juvie, but I let my narrow assessment of prison depicted through modern media get the best of me. I wasn't about to be somebody's bitch for nine straight months.

"If you've got nothing to say, then I will." I started, not about to take any of their shit. "Get the fuck out of my cell"

He reached up towards my face in a fast motion. I couldn't tell whether it was a grab or a punch to which I quickly replied with my own connection with the lower left bit of his chin. He grabbed at a drop of blood that his mouth let out and gave a perplexed look. Had my unexpected prowess confused him. This man offered only a fraction of the speed I had seen minutes earlier from my cellmate. My return had knocked him lightly backwards, into the people behind him, who took it as a sign to step in as he backed his way out of the room. Had it only been the first guy, hanging belly, slow attacks and all, I would have won. But the others quickly brought me to the ground. My body simply accepted the barrage of attacks presented to it and then, mercifully, like a brand new toy to a child, I was abandoned. The altercation was scary in its haste. Fast, violent, then finished. I tried to call out for help, but all I could muster was a low, weak moan in pain, followed by a long exhale. Maybe I was overreacting, as I found myself slowly lifting my back off the ground, but I was going to be here awhile. 9 months. So whether it be physical incapability, or the feeling of overwhelming dread, I fell to my side. I ached, and I couldn't seem to move. I couldn't hear anything and the light in the room quickly vanished. Was this it for me? Was all I could muster was a measly 15 minutes before I succumbed to my lawful punishment? It wasn't. The towel had been put back onto the window. I turned over onto my back and saw that thin slit of light illuminate a slice of my roommate's face. In that same slice, I saw his hand reaching out to lift me up, which I quickly grabbed onto.

"Thanks," I uttered.

I could feel the strength in his arm as he pulled me up. I wanted to be mad at him for not being there or doing anything or getting a guard when I was getting beat in, but I hid that feeling from him. Clearly though that commotion had to have been heard by everyone right?

"You did the right thing you know, take a beating now, showing you won't go down without a fight" he paused "even if it's a pussy ass fight you bring to the table"

He let out a small chuckle. I forced one out, which was accompanied by a stream of coughs he proceeded to talk over.

"K-Time said you gave him one mean right hook" He continued laughing, perhaps even a bit harder now.

"You know those guys?" I asked in a bid of hope, maybe I had connections in this place, had I actually entertained him even if for a second earlier. I was still out of breath, standing up at least, now bent over, leaning against the bed.

"Yeah, who do you think sent them in here"

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 22, 2023 ⏰

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