Chapter 1: The Moon's Love to the Night

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bubble bubble

Child 1's thoughts: Water around my body... But I don't feel the cold.

bubble bubble

Two children are waking up simultaneously, each opening their own pair of eyes.

There are two children. The first child has short brown hair, with a blue eye on the left and a golden eye on the right. The second child has slightly longer sky-blue hair, with a golden eye on the left and a blue eye on the right.

Child 2's thoughts: Hmmm..

bubble bubble

Child 2's thoughts: Voices..

They sound..

A woman from a distance: They're waking up!

Both children are looking at the faces that seem to be delighted to see them.

One with blue sky hair and one with brown hair moved closer to them and said something that sounded like a mumble to the children.

Brown-haired guy: They're wonderful!

Blue-haired guy: I agree. Can we take them out of the tube already?

Brown-haired Woman: Yes, now that they have awakened, we can.

The woman typed something on her device and clicked some buttons.

Suddenly the water drained from the tube and the wires detached from the children's bodies and the tube glasses opened. The woman handled them with care, wrapping each tiny body in a white blanket before passing them to the two men with brown and blue hair. The baby with brown hair was cradled by the man with blue hair, while the baby with blue hair was held by the man with brown hair. The new fathers wore expressions of pure joy as they gazed at their children, who seemed curious about their surroundings and reached out with their little hands. The men held the newborns gently in their arms, cherishing the moment.

Woman: Congratulations to both of you!

Now that you are their parents, shouldn't you give them names? Have you thought of anything yet?

The brown-haired guy looked at the blue-haired guy after hearing that.

Brown-haired Guy: Ohh yeah. What should we name them, Khun?

Khun: Hmmm.. I think I'll name him after you. But since he is from us, we're in the middle of him so he can be born, how about, 25th Midnight, Baam?

Baam: That's a really good name! I like it! 25th Midnight it is! Since you named him, is it fair I choose the name for this little guy too?

Khun: Sure, Baam. What will we call him?

Baam: I'll name him Khun Winter. After you too, because you're mostly cold.

Khun: I am not!!

Baam: You are!

Baam laughed and everyone around them.

Khun: Hmmmp!

Khun shrugged and smiled. He doesn't have the will to argue about Baam's choices.

Khun: Fine. It's not such a terrible name.

A small crocodile standing next to Baam commented.

The Irregular's Children (Tower Of God, Khun X Bam Fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now