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song of the chapter jocelyn flores by xxxtentacion

bonjur sorry for not updating in a fat minute been busy and lazy but i dont want to stop posting chapters for this fanfic so just expect them randomly on Thursdays

this chapter is unedited

montie/3rd pov

montie and leni walked home from school, the thursday after gemmas vigil. montie was still grounded from the situation he pulled at her funeral, but he felt like it was justified and gemma would be proud.

they walked in the front door and was greeted by their mother. she was on the couch watching some random tv show.

"have you cleaned out gemmas room out?," leni asked, as he put his bag down.

montie glared at his younger brother, he knew leni was trying to get their mom to make him do it.

their mother turned back to the boys. "thats the only thing you guys have been talking about since vigil. why dont you do it?" she said.

both boys sighed, but montie was glad he at least didn't have to do it alone.
the boys made it up to their older sisters room. they stared at all her belongings. the unmade bed, the clothes on the floor, her make up out and about. it looked like she was supposed to come home, with boys that friday at 2:20pm, she was.

"how much money do you think we can out of this shit?," leni said, putting her clothes in her laundry basket, by her bedroom door.

"you know we aint selling this shit, just shut the fuck up," montie snapped, just trying to get the chore done, hes been avoiding the room, we'll upstairs since her death.

"who pissed in your cherios?," leni asked, hanging her black zip up on the hooks on her bedroom door.

"i dont know if you know this, but our sister is dead," montie said, as he started making her bed.

"mom wants the sheets to be washed," leni said, cockly.

montie ripped the bedsheets off the bed and grabbed everything and marched downstairs.

"you forgot the pillow cases!," his little brother yelled. he would of beat the shit out of him, if he wasn't already grounded.
"hey look is bennie!," leni said, looking at the stuffed cat the girl has had forever.

"oh my god, remember when we used to hid it from her?," montie said, looking at the pastel pink cat.

"ah yes our first time being grounded," he said, remembering the good ol' days.

the boys continued cleaning her room in silence. it didnt take long, they'd just pick up a random item of hers and stare at it for a period of time.

"what are you guys doing?," they herd. montie jumped out of his skin and turned to see their other older sister, lori.

"mom told us to clean up gemmas room," leni said, wiping down her full length mirror, she did her make up at, every morning.

"want any help?," she asked, walking into the room and sitting on the empty bed that only had a few plushies on it.

"no we're almost done," montie said.

lori nodded, still sitting on her little sisters bed, watching the boys clean the room.

about 45 minutes later, the boys had finished. lori still sitting on the bed. they finished by montie take out the trash.

the 3 siblings looked at the room, the sheets were in the dryer and their mom said she'll do it.

"welp, that was that," leni said, walking down the hall into his bedroom.

"whats his problem," lori asked.

"hes a fucking bitch," montie replied.

lori just shrugged not wanting to get into the middle of whatever was happening. she walked downstairs and that was that.

montie sighed, making his way down to his bedroom in the basement. he sighed looking around the room and finally he broke.

he started crying and shaking. he was so pissed, he was punching some of the wooden parts of his walls, leaving holes in the wall.

he stop after about 2 and looked down, as his hand hurt. he sighed backing up and onto his bed. he quickly kicked his shoes off and he kicked them far, both of them hitting something different in his room. montie curled up onto his bed and started crying, hysterically. he was so pissed. "this is so fucking unfair," he screamed, into his comforter.

he was so pissed that leni didnt seem to care. his speech at her vigil was half-assed and all he seemed to be doing, is using gemma as some sort of joke. which funny enough is what their parents thought montie was doing, at the vigil. he was so upset and all he wanted was his older sister back.
a/n: sorry its short still recovering from last night. i also didn't plan on doing this chapter originally i was just gonna jump to what the next chapter is, so i didn't do a whole lot of planning for it.

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