Night Changes- Tanner Rowe

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I said I'd be doing song lyrics ;)
song: night changes
artist: one direction
"Does it ever drive you crazy just how fast the night changes"

Tanner🪐: Hey Y/N
Y/N⭐️: Hey Tanner
Tanner🪐: ya know what I just realized today?
Y/N⭐️: What haha
Tanner🪐: Does it ever drive you crazy just how fast the night changes?
Y/N⭐️: You're listening to one direction aren't you?
Tanner🪐: Yes but that line really got me thinking. The night does change fast
Y/N⭐️: I'd assume it does haha
Tanner🪐: See! So I'm not going crazy
Y/N⭐️: Haha no your not going crazy Tanner
Tanner🪐: Cool cool wanna go out tonight and watch the stars and eat dinner?
Y/N⭐️: Sure I'd love to go
Tanner🪐: Great I'll pick you up at 8, reservations are at 9. Wear that dress your mother doesn't like ;)
Y/N: will do😉

a/n: see what I did there "her mother doesn't like that kinda dress" hehe. Anyways I really liked writing this so I definitely have more songs in mind for the rest of the boys! Can't wait to get to the honorable mentions. Hehehe. Bye love bugs! <3

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