Chapter 8 - The Void

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Tims then gets kickstarted back into consciousness as he has arrived at the castle, Tim wipes the tears of tar off of his face to see Dane behind him alongside Sebastian, Michele, Shane, and Jacob.

Dane then runs up to Tim with a smile "your back! You're finally back!"

Tim then says "I'm gonna get married to the destroyer." In a calm and collected tone.

Everyone gasps as Tim explains everything to them about Lilith and how he's her chosen.

Tim looks around at the place "are we inside of a volcano?"

Sebastian nods "this is the gates Tim."

Tim then looks at Dane with a worried look as Dane nods to Tim reassuring him that he's fine.

Tim then tells everyone that he must go in alone.

Everyone nods as screams of a hundred men and woman were heard from outside of the gates,  Tim then steps out of the entrance to see hundreds of hunters and their weapons trying to stop whatever's to come.

Tim then says panicking "we gotta make this quick, the hunters are coming, and theirs lots of them."

Tim then runs into the volcano to for it to be a room of red lighting seemingly coming from nowhere,  and Lilith standing there looking around "it's been so long since I've traversed the overworld."

Then suddenly.. 3 demons appear in the room as a sigil forms on the ground surrounding the two of them in a room, the demons then start to chant a haunting melody as a red light forms around Tim and Lilith in a vortex as wind picks up around the two of them.

The volcano then starts to shake and crack causing Tim to think it's about to erupt shaking him up a bit.

Lilith then approaches Tim and grabs his hand and gazes at it for a while as veins from Liliths hand start to intensify and work its way out out of her body as suddenly an opening forms on Tim's palm as a strange energy from Lilith starts to purge its way into Tim's body.

Tim then let's put a loud scream feeling pain he has never felt before, as Lilith's hair then turns from black to brown as her features start to liven, and she starts to look more innocent and nice if you will.

As Tim's body purges, his hair starts to darken turning an even darker shade of black then it already was as Tim's eyes turn a pitch black and visions of a man appears in his mind calling out to him.

Veins scale all up in through Tim's body as strange images appear in his head like images of him as a seraphim and his wings turning black and Polaroids of himself being tore apart.

Lilith then takes off her ring that the destroyer gave to her and places it onto Tim solidifying the ritual.

As the pain starts to cease within Tim Lilith then says "you are now the husband.. or wife, of the destroyer himself! He might come and visit you soon I'm sure he will love you."

Then suddenly Liliths body then starts to flake away turning into a strange energy as Tim's body starts to levitate in the air as Tim's mouth forcefully opens as the energy from Lilith purges through Tim's body as her soul infused with Tim's.

As tim stands onto his feet the demons then bow before him unexpectedly as Tim's waves his hand "uhh you guys don't have to bow to me uhhh..."

One of them then says "we are your royal servants, we are yours to command."

Tim then says "go back to hell for me then, theirs things I must tend to on the overworld."

The demons then nod as sinkholes open up beneath them and they sink into them.

Tim then exits the volcano to see the team trying their hardest to defeat the overwhelming amounts of hunters there.

The scales upon Danes body begins to grow at a increasingly fast rate as it's just too much for him to bare, then suddenly Dean lets out a loud shout that sounds like a man and a dragon both screaming into the sky a large explosion from Dean goes off that could be seen from miles away.

Then suddenly as the volcano erupts, Dane turns into a massive dragon, as he breathes out flames onto the hunters boiling their skin away killing all of them.

Dane then climbs up onto the top of the volcano, as it explodes with lava, the sky above then begins to crack and open up as a loud sound similar to glass shattering is heard as the void has been opened..

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