✧ Prologue ⁠✧

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•~Yeah Life Goes On, Like This Again~•

Through the slits of his eyes the man slowly tried seeing what was going on but was unsuccessful in opening his eyes, the scorching heat and smoke made it impossible for him to do so.

His ears were ringing from the aftermath of the blast the place had faced. His heartbeat abnormal and arms tied to his side, lying on a stretcher type placement attached to a wall inside a cell.

He struggles to open his eyes or freeing himself. He tried see something but there was just too much of mayhem that made him flinch every time the firing went off from somewhere.

He felt weak and his throat felt parched. Limbs giving out his every effort of trying to get on his feet and untying this binds.

His mind coming back to life, trying to recall what position was he in. Or what kind of situation he was stuck in.

Oh! Right...

He was here to help out his friend...

Flex? Felic? Or Felix-??? What was his name... He doesn't remember clearly.

Doesn't matter.

What matters is... what the heck was the situation, he was in middle of? Is this some kind of those action movies of heros and villains cuz he surely would love to resign from the side charector role who dies a pitiful death and take holiday to go back home & sleep peacefully without having to worry about saving any dumb ass heroine who would literally be cause of the problems anyways.

Gathering his last ounce of strength, he pulled off the straps of hand cuffs that tied him to that stretcher, breaking them and stood up taking support of the wall.

He slowly stepped ahead towards the big crater made in wall that was straight right to the prison cell door he was standing in. Made by the blast he guesses.

He contemplated going outside & by any chance risking his life. He wanted to live anyways, he must have many things to experience, maybe had some promises to complete and most of all, maybe had someone to go back to.

Just as he took a step ahead to take the risk, a short man in white coat barged in from the same crater. He had white hairs but looked young. He wore sophisticated glasses and had come stumbling in while he held a gun.

He had cat like eyes while his posture was hurried. He balanced himself somehow and looked around the prison frantically, only to spot this prisoner or typical  'lab rat' standing and probably stepping towards him weirdly.

" Yahh! What the hell; are you waiting for the roof to crave in to get Outta here or somethin'?? " shouted the man before hurriedly shoved his gun at his waist back and held his wrist, tapping a few buttons on the watch he had.

>>>West wing update: It's Pisces here! Pisces reporting! Hello? Heyyy?!! Hello!! Answer me back people!! Fuck- oh god! Is the server destroyed? Shit! Shit! Shit!<<<

He spoke in the tech advanced watch as he paced around the room, panicking and blinking as if death would greet him any minute now.

"Hurry up human! We don't have time for this shit anyways! If we don't get out by and within 8 minutes then we're doomed to play hide & seek with this destroyed brick debris!! " He left the watch and held the man's wrist in his hand to drag him out but the man who just woke up was still and stiff in his place.

Not moving a muscle or even twitching under the smoke, the shorter man tilted his head to have a good look at the guy who stared back at him.

>>Oh Holy Cow!!! Is this man pretending statue now? Or was he experimented as one? <<

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