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Its been...I wanna see 2 weeks since that whole thing went down and honestly it has been shit but I don't really care why should I cry for 4 assholes

I mean not im going to sit here and lie, but for the first 4 days I did call them over and over. I even text-let me just show you the text messages

Day 1 chat with Nate

Hey Nate...I know you probably hate me but I am so sorry, I know what I did was wrong but you said that you weren't going to be here forever. I had to

Fuck you Y/n I mean it, you put me in a bad situation and yeah I know what I said...I was actually dumb enough to think that you wouldn't...stop calling me

That is what he said to me and then he blocked me...

Day 2 chat with Jacob

Hey Jake, I know you said you didn't want to speak with me but I just want to say that I am sorry. I was selfish but you also said that you don't do relationships...im sorry for what happened and how it happened.

Y/n?...damn I forgot about that fr. But yeah you are no longer needed in my opinion....We can be chill now that I am dating Arlene...I gtg tho

Yeah when he said that, it made my blood boil. I went to the club that same day giving her a piece of my mind but that only resulted into me getting in trouble by Eve and her big and bad body guard Tyler

Day 3 chat with Liam

Hey Liam. im not really sure what to say, you...you don't really come to the gym anymore even though it's yours, I know that you are busy and whatnot but I just wanted to say is that...I am sorry for what happened and if you wanted to come over and talk

Y/n...I don't want to come over and talk. I don't want to even text you back but I am bc I am trying to get over the fact that you played me like I was a fool...but you know what I am glad you are trying to apologize but it's a little to late for that...im moved on

Day 4 chat with Kristian

Kristian...I know you said that you didn't want anything to do with me and that's fine...You were the only one to let me actually explained. You didn't know what I do and reason why is bc I didn't want to be judge on how I make money and yeah I'm a stripper so what? But maybe it's better this way I guess..I really wanted to be your sub...but I guess I can't get everything I want in life right. You are probably so you don't even have to text me back or even look at this. Im done with everything.

You still don't get it do you? I haven't even fucked you and you sending me paragraphs. Y/n the reason why I even went off on you like that is bc you deserve better and you are right I shouldn't have judge the way you make your money. As long as you're making it tho...but what made me go off on you like that is bc you didn't tell me the men you was fucking...you could've been my sub and still been fucking them, as long as they didn't fuck you that same day or interrupting what we got going on...being a sub doesn't mean being tied down. Being my sub can mean we just are kinky ppl or we could have been in a relationship and did it the sub thing but that's besides the point. The point is that...you should've told me but you didn't...I gtg but I hope you are well

That is the longest message that as ever been sent to me and It made me cry...me and Kris could've been something...

It's Nate's fault for leaving me hot and dry and after Jacob I couldn't control my...tendencies anymore

I could've at first but I don't know what happened...

But it's whatever now...Right now I am getting changed in the changing room when Tina comes in with flowers in her hand smiling ear to ear

Y-who made you happy?

T-my manzzzz

Since when did she get one of those


T-wouldn't you like to know...

Y-I am trying to be cordial....

I could really careless but she is my friend so why not

T-his name is Liam Bro-

Y-he own a gym?


That fucking asshole...this is why he didn't want to come over...I hate men!

T-you good?

Y-yeah whatever, I'm happy for you

T-sounds like your jealous to me

She says with a smirk on her face

Y-I could careless that you and Arlene are dating my ex flings

I say walking away and as I walked out I bumped into...Nate?


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