Chapter 3: Testing the Tech

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After much anticipation, the big day arrived for the inaugural testing of Nixie's new inventions. She began the demonstration at Lookout Bay.

"First up, I give you - search and rescue drones!" Nixie unveiled six tiny quadcopters, each customized with a pup's colors and abilities.

"Whoa cool!" exclaimed Marshall as he examined his med-kit equipped red drone.

Chase activated his police drone. "Scanner, search the perimeter." It zoomed off, beaming back a live video feed.

Rubble took his construction drone for a test lift, hauling toys and tools with ease. "This'll really help with cleanups."

Next, Nixie unveiled the hovercrafts. Zuma was first to try his water rescue vehicle. "This thing is totally gnarly brah!"

He performed spins and stunts over the bay, testing its functions like propellers, hooks and water cannon.

Skye tested maneuvers in her new search and rescue hoverplane. "Now I can scan twice as much area!"

Everest rushed her mountain rescue hovercraft up rocky cliffs. "These upgrades will save so much time getting to calls in rough terrain!"

All the pups enjoyed test driving their new rides, discovering new capabilities. But trouble soon started when Marshall got too eager...

While testing his hover ambulance, Marshall got a little too excited zipping around. He took a sharp turn that sent him fishtailing out of control!

"Whoaaaa!" Marshall cried as he careened straight toward Rubble's position. The construction pup barely had time to yell before Marshall crashed into him, sending Rubble's drone tumbling through the air.

Skye swooped in and just managed to catch the falling drone in her hoverplane's net. "Whew, that was a close one!"

Nixie sighed. "Pups, please be more careful. This gear is very advanced!"

Chase touched down near the crash site. "Accidents happen during testing. But we've gotta get a handle on these rides before using them on real rescues."

The pups knew Chase was right. They returned to the lookout hangar for further practice and calibrations under Nixie's watch.

The drones were reprogrammed with safety protocols like collision detection. The hovercrafts received upgraded stabilizers and autopilot assists for emergencies.

By sunset, the pups felt much smoother operating their new gear. Only minimal crashes occurred! Nixie was satisfied with their progress.

"You all did great today. With more training, these tools will be fully mission-ready. For now, get some rest - tomorrow we do drills!"

Excited yet tired, the pups turned in for the night, eager to further master the technology that would help them to new rescue heights.

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