The King

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king! reader x jester

dominant reader who's into rough sex (breed me next), jerking and sucking, no penetration YET

Your duty as king was hard, terribly so, but you never let in to anyone about just how much it wore you down. Trying your hardest to maintain this kingdom all while dealing with a personal life was not the easiest thing ever. It only got worse when your old family jester literally dies mid-performance from what you're assuming is old age or his heart popped.

When you got the new one, he's young and spry, so quick to say something that he sometimes forgets he's not down at the pub. Damn brat was only making everything around the court a mess. Having people apologize on his behalf was not the message you wanted to send to anyone visiting, especially your guests that could easily turn against you. Sure you can handle yourself being mocked, that's his damn job!, but when he just says anything about everyone is when it crosses the line. The final straw was when he insulted your own niece over her fashion sense (which you admit can be a little wild), but then calling her idiotic over it? Oh enough was enough!

It takes a day or two before you're able to corner him all alone. Your plan needed to be done in privacy, not needing anyone to question what you're doing. Sometimes it's best to keep plans to yourself. It's in the gardens when you find him, goofing off and terrorizing some of the ladies. With your brisk rescue you drag him off, not caring about how he talks so much about you 'holding his arm too tight' and how 'he was just joking!'

You're able to get him to the a more quiet part of the garden before you're shoving him down on a bench. He looks up at you with a glare, which only makes your temper flare. "You fucking bloody brat. You should learn your damn place in this castle before you're banished from the entire kingdom." Your words are sharp and causes him to tense for a moment before bursting out laughing. He doesn't take you serious at all even with you breaking conduct.

"Ohhh and would you reallyyy banish me? I haven't done any- hiccup- anything wrong!" He laughs some more, leaning in a little too close to you. You can smell the alcohol on his breath quickly. Is that why he's been like this? Drunk on the damn job every day?!

When you finally lean down and have him pulling back is when he seems to understand you a little bit. He's never been this close, most wouldn't get that close in a lifetime. You can only hope he ignites right in front of you. Damn bastard has been messing up his whole time here and you're about to throw him right out. "You've done plenty wrong. You have as many manners as a bog. And are you drunk?!"

He only laughs and giggles before his hand reached out and pulled you close. You froze instantly, his lips just mere inches from yours. "Heheee.. maybe I ammm.. You wouldn't mind, right, kingyyyy?" His breath is hot and smelled terrible but good lord the way he looked into your eyes was too much. As you're about to pull away he slumps over against your chest before you hear snoring. Did the bastard fall asleep on you?!

It would be well into the night before he wakes up. He didn't expect at all to be sleeping in something so soft, a lot softer than the provided beds in the staff rooms. He looks around quickly before seeing the lavish room he was placed in. Much, much fancier than anyone else's in the entire castle, decorated just to.. your liking. Oh shit he was in your bed.

The jester panics at first as he looks around, clearly never expecting this at all. Now what was he doing in your bed?! He didn't remember anything except the pub and getting yelled at by someone but everything else is a massive blur. When he sits up he's equally surprised to see himself dressed so nicely for bed, even his makeup removed with care and precision. Looking in the giant mirror above the bed he can see everything about himself... wait why is there a mirror there?

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