chap 29

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On the other hand when hoorain went inside the Asad house and time passed the body guards were getting panicked and decided to inform Asher about it

"Sir mam has gone inside the house and 20 minutes have passed

Asher shouted " Which houseeeeee?"

The bodyguard narrated the whole incident that mam had come to deliver the cake and a man opened the door they were talking about something and she went in

Asher blood was boiling "who is the man and what were they talking about"

In a scared tone they replied " sir we are at a huge distance from house so we neither heard what they were talking about nor saw the man's face"

Asher screamed his lungs out ' you bloody idiots you are telling me this now why let her go there now rush in the house"

"Sir we thought he is mam's friend that's why they are talking"

"I said rush in the house"

The rest is history that happened inside the house

Saying this Asher disconnected the call and traced the location and speeds his car to that address

When he reached the house he saw the door laying on the floor Asad seated like a king on the sofa but his eyes looked for his hoor

Asad sarcastically said "tchh tchh Bhae kaisey mafia ho apni fiance ko he nahi btaya"

This was the moment Asher knew when he was fucked up he was so furious he wanted to torture Asad but for now he just wanted to meet his hoor he ran outside the house and started screaming  "hoor " he rushed towards the bakery,her house but hoor wasn't there he felt that his world fall aparrt

He rushed to his car and started searching for his hoor and also informed Rayan to track hoor address

While on the way hoorain was trying to call epic because she is the one who she needs the most and suddenly a car was about to hit her.....

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