Ch.1 Kirishima's pov

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Kirishima came home from work he noticed the door to his private room was cracked open, muffled sounds and whimpers sounding from within as he sighed.

From the moment he had invited Bakugo to move in with him they had discussed a firm set of rules for each other, one of Kiri's being that no one may ever enter his private room without permission.

But it seemed that his pet had been naughty that day.

Knowing the damage was already done, he got about his normal routine, changed out of his work clothes, took a shower, ate a light snack to tide him over till dinner seeing as how it was very likely it would be later than usual, and tidied things up before finally opening the door in full to step inside.

There, in the middle of the room, was where he found Bakugo on his knees, bouncing, bucking, and writhing on nothing at all, his hands locked together by his own fingers behind his head as he listened to the pulsing music filled with whispered words while staring at the large hanging screen before him filled with spiraling pulsing colors and words flashing, each flash making him hump air as he moaned, a steady stream of drool already soaked his plump, bare chest, down his stomach, and to the floor where a large puddle of mixed juices was formed.

The size of the puddle told Kirishima just how long Bakugo had been trapped like that.

He couldn't help but let out a humored sigh. "Looks like someone waited long enough for me to leave before breaking the rules..."

The sudden sound of his voice only maded Bakugo's body twist harder in ecstasy but his eyes never left the screen.

Kirishima walked over to his computer to verify what he already knew.

Sure enough, on the security cameras he could see Bakugo kiss him goodbye and wait a solid minute before he quickly headed for the room. His look of confused surprise at how easily the door opened was adorable to see. Kirishima had never locked the room because he'd never needed to and after today, it wouldn't matter anyway.

Seeing Kirishima's normal looking office room must have been disappointing for Bakugo but Kirishima guessed Bakugo was determined to find something that would qualify this room to be off limits because instead of shutting the door and leaving, he had walked right inside and triggered the safety system.

Within moments, the large screen slowly descended, catching his attention as words appeared on the screen.


His confused sound and expression made Kirishima smile. Bakugo always sounded so cute when he got flustered like that but unfortunately for him, the screen changed.


Now, Kirishima had to give Bakugo points for bravery in not immediately leaving...or maybe his confusion (or stubbornness) left him unable to react in time...either way, the whole room went black before the colors started to dance and spin on the screen and a soft thrumming filled the room.

Kirishima shifted the security view to zoom in on Bakugo's face to watch as confusion bled into fascination to realization, to panic, all while his eyes tried and failed to look away. Every time he managed to move his gaze from the center, a flash would happen to bring it right back.

His expression started to relax even though Kirishima could see him trembling, trying to fight it as the sounds got a little louder and the words could be heard whispering instructions to him.

Within minutes his hands lifted to touch his chest, massaging and pinching his nipples through his clothes which caused him to let out a surprised gasp, eyes widening from realizing he didn't know he had moved at all but the shock quickly melted away as the pleasure from it hit him.

His mouth stayed open, eyes going unfocused as his hands moved all over his body, squeezing, massaging, pinching, and rubbing all those sweet spots he knew he had until he couldn't resist removing his clothing and standing bare before the screen.

Krishima's program was built to sense when compliance set in so he wasn't surprised when the next flash was rapid paced, causing Bakugo to fall to his knees from the sudden rush of pure pleasure through his brain and body.

His hands immediately went to his crotch and frantically started to work himself, moaning and bucking into his own touch as the rapid flashing held him captive til his body started to twitch hard, already near orgasm, but right before he hit that peak...the flashes stopped and faded to the slowly swirling colors again and his hand instantly slowed to a teasing pace, matching the slow, lazy spin before him.

His face immediately shifted to frantic desperation as he whined in need, his hips shook as he tried to buck and get that release he had been denied...but he failed.

Once his body calmed back down, the spiral began to spin quicker, his hand matching the pace as he sobbed in relief, finally getting that needed friction, building him higher and higher than before until it edged him again.

That pattern continued for hours, tears and drool falling, a growing puddle of arousal below him, his cries and screams of need slowly became lust filled grunts and whimpers as his mind crumbled to dust over and over until he was finally ordered to not touch anymore, his body so keyed up and sensitive that the slightest touch would shatter his very existence, leaving him in the situation he was now in, body and mind locked in a world of pure aching LUST to where nothing else mattered anymore, nothing but the spiraling colors that caressed his mind like a lovers touch, the pulsing beats whos vibrations washed over his body in teasing, near nonexistent touches that were almost too much to stand, the whispered words keeping him obedient and in place with promises of the reward he could almost taste, and his desperate need for release.

He had been waiting for so long though time meant nothing to him anymore.

A few more clicks on the computer and the screen before him shifted to give the new instructions as Kirishima placed a sturdy table in front of Bakugo.

His legs shaking so hard Kirishima wasn't confident Bakugo'd manage to move, let alone stand, but his need to obey had become stronger than his body's limits as he placed his hands on the table and succeeded to get to his feet, face leaning closer to the screen.

He kept his feet apart and hands flat on the table, completely oblivious to the movements behind him, the sound of Kirishima's pants being undone, or the slick noise of lube on his dick.

Bakugo's body was so sensitive Kirishima had to be careful to not touch as he lined himself up and spoke:


Many things happened at once.

The screen started flashing the command directly into Bakugo's eyes right as Kirishima thrust inside that eager and open hole, his hands grabbed Bakugo's hips and thrust into him at the same rapid pace as the flashing.

Kirishima didn't think Bakugo could have screamed if he tried.

Kirishima felt Bakugo lock up around him and in his hold as the orgasms Bakugo had been denied all day finally slammed into him with every thrust. For the first time, his eyes moved but only to roll back, the screen following his gaze up above him, not letting him go for a moment as his very soul left his body from the sheer force of his ecstasy. Endless, overwhelming, pure, blissful pleasure so powerful he couldn't even breathe at first until the dark spots started to form in his vision and forced him to take in a lung full with a broken gasp.

Now he could scream and he certainly did, hoarse cries and babbling pleas through the relentless fucking he was getting to both body and mind.

He couldn't remember anything before this, his entire world and sense of self completely melted down to this single moment of eternity until finally he felt Kirishima release inside, the feeling of searing hot cum shooting so deep inside, he could swear it filled where his soul once resided before everything went black.

Kirishima caught the limp, twitching body and carefully pulled out before carrying him out of the room to get cleaned up and rested.

It seemed they needed to have a little talk when Bakugo came too.

Maybe some new rules for his naughty little pet to follow.

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