°○ part 3 ○°

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Here I am. Lying in an uncomfortable cot. Breathing in the fresh air of cow shit. How exciting. At least the nurse here is pretty foxy.

The door of this hell hole opens and I look over to take a peek. I moved my head too fast and my shoulder stung from the day-old gunshot. Why did Tris have to be such a bitch.

I can't really see who it is. All I know is that the foxy nurse was walking up to them. Dam, she's got an ass.

My view of her voluptuous ass didn't last long because she drags the mystery person into the closet.

I lay there for a while. bored as hell. At Least it's better than being dead. I'm way too young and handsome to be killed.

A door creeks, probably the closet. I turn my head and see the nurse walk out. She walks over to me and smiles. She sits in the chair that's placed by my cot. I smirk at her.

"Hello, my name is Cassia. I will be checking you out today," She said, putting gloves on.

"Oh, I'm sure you will," I said.

She rolled her eyes and started to inspect my arm. First of all, rude! Second of all she's being too rough.

"Well, the good news is that it's not too deep. All you need is some stitching and some nice medicine. Then you'd be healed up in a jiffy," she said, pulling out a needle and a strange bottle.

She grabbed the syringe and filled it up with the stuff in the bottle. Probably a drug to knock me out. That's fine with me though. I'm not gonna be awake for this shit. She shoved the needle in my skin and put the goo in it.

"Ok, so I've just numbed your arm up so it might feel a little weird," she said, grabbing the supplies to stitch me up.

Oh shit, I can't feel my arm. haha, it feels funky.

"Ok, you're all stitched up, my niece will be here shortly with the medicine," she said, taking off her gloves and throwing them in the trash.

Done? Already! Wow, she's good. I like that in a woman, Painless. Wait, I take that back. It's starting to kick in. Owwie! My arm feels so sore. Where's the foxy nurse's niece when you need her.


I get back into the room with the medicine one of the Dauntless needed. Only when I get there he's out cold. I giggle. He's actually quite cute. He definitely has good hair.

I reach into my bag and grab the medicine. I placed it on the side table and opened the jar. I lifted up his sleeve to reveal the well bandaged shoulder. Good job Cassia. This is definitely a professional job. I carefully lifted his arm trying my best not to wake him. He was warm and his skin was surprisingly soft. Cute!

He groans and shifts his body. I can tell he's starting to wake up so I put his arm back down and prepare to greet him.

He opened his eyes and I was met with the most beautiful shade of green ever. holy shit. I don't even care if I'm breaking the rules. He's gorgeous.

"Hi my name is (Y/N), I didn't mean to wake you. I just have to put some medicine on your stitching so it doesn't get infected," I say smiling. I want to make him feel comfortable here.


Medicine? She must be Cassia's niece. She's actually kinda cute. Not my ideal type though. I still prefer Cassia. She is more of a woman than (Y/N).

"Yeah sure, go for it. I don't need it, but whatever makes you happy," I say.

She raises her eyebrows and looks at me confused. Oh yeah, she definitely thinks I'm cool.

"Ok. whatever floats your boat, I guess. Can you lift your arm for me," she asked.

I lifted it and she unwrapped the bandage. She was very gentle, unlike Cassia a few moments earlier.

When the bandage is off she throws it away. Then she turns around to grab something. her braids that were once on her back fell off her shoulders and hung in front of her. Revealing a little tattoo of a sun.



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Why does she have a tattoo? Amity's aren't supposed to have them. In fact, none of the factions have access to them but dauntless, so how did she get hers?

"How did you get that tattoo?" I ask, staring her down.

She flinched and pulled her cardigan up more to cover it. She didn't say anything. Not a single word. She sighed and looked me in the eyes.

"I guess I should do a better job at hiding it huh?" she said, softly smiling at me.

I cracked a soft small smile then stiffened up. What is this girl doing to me?

"You still didn't answer," I said, trying to forget that smile.

She picks up the medicine and takes a little in her hand and rubs gently onto the stitching.

"I was Dauntless," she said, her eyes still glued to my wound.

"I transferred here to Amity," She continued then stopped.

She wiped the extra medicine that was on her hands on a towel. She wrapped my arm in clean bandages.

"But why?" I was honestly so confused why anybody would choose this stinky place over Dauntless.

Her body stiffened and she put her hands on the table and looked down. Did it bother her that much to talk about her old faction?

"Because it said amity on my abnegation test, that's why" she said quickly.

I could tell she was lying. What she told me was only half the truth. I could also tell she wasn't going to tell me anytime soon. So I dropped it.

She cleaned up everything and packed it in her bag. Once she was done she stood up, told me to get some rest. Then she walked away.

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