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"Are you capable of accomplishing what you just said?" Geto questioned, fingers drumming on the table as he gazed at the girl sitting in front of him.

A girl who had appeared just three days ago to Jogo on his way back to their hiding place, catching him off guard when he felt a tap on his shoulder. Any time he was surrounded by humans, Jogo lived with the fact no one was supposed to see him. After all, any entity like himself came into existence with this basic principle etched into their thoughts. The delayed reaction to her sudden touch had almost driven Jogo to make the whole block catch on fire if she hadn't immobilized him.


"I want to speak with Geto."

Those were the words she stated after releasing Jogo from her grasp, a request for a person everyone knew had disappeared, an existence that for many, was no longer alive.

To Jogo, it was a question embedded with hostility as well as a risk to his future plans. No one knew of his existence other than whoever Geto himself disclosed it to, making the situation quite unsettling when everyone realized that they had no idea who she was or where she came from, perplexing Geto who was the target of her request.

It was enough to put all of them on edge since there was a possibility she was setting a trap for them. By their unanimous vote, it was decided Mahito would meet up with the girl before they could reveal anything that could put them in danger.

Following Geto's plan, Mahito met up with her in the Shibuya shopping center. It was always full of people no matter what hour it could be, beneficial for him if he had to create a distraction and escape. Both dressed in dark clothes and with the night sky obscuring their faces, Mahito scanned the girl from top to bottom, trying to find any weakness that could benefit him yet, found none.

Mouth curving up into a lopsided smile, he then looked up to meet her eyes, surprised to see she lacked the response of fear.

He had learned to recognize that only strong sorcerers were able to gaze back in such a manner.

Surveying the area with caution, Mahito was confident with the elements surrounding. Disposable and perfect for creating a scene, he found it helpful to know they were always huddled in large groups.

Human kind.

Entities with a soul and a beating heart to prove they were alive but for Mahito, were prey for him toy with until he got bored. Making sure they were close enough for him to transfigure if he desired to do so, a loud sigh escaped his lips before placing both hands behind his head. "What is your target?" He questioned, eyes narrowing down on the girl as he spoke.

Both arms crossed around her chest, the girl sighed before approaching Mahito who remained motionless in his stance, a lazy grin decorating his face while she walked around him.

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