Holy Girl 40

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I know I haven't updated this book in a while and I'm pretty sure y'all were super sad about it because from the views and votes it's been getting , it was probably helpful . ❤️

So I'd like to thank every person that has been following this book and supporting it because without you guys , it wouldn't be successful and of cause if God didn't plant this seed in my heart , I wouldn't have been able to write it but down to business [ laughs ] I sound like a business woman .

I would like to introduce you to the Holy girl 40 .
"Which is what exactly does that mean ? " you might be thinking .

Well , it's a challenge that would take about 40 days where you would dedicate time to reset your life with Jesus which means waking up before 8 , spending the first hour of your day with Jesus , reading your Bible , worshipping , listening to podcasts , journaling , doing prayer walks , eating healthy foods , praying , going to church Sundays , studying , being in the Word daily , cutting off on secular music etc .

At first it's going to be tough but girlsssssss , we here to love and support each other through this journey .

Even if you are a non believer , girllllll , you are welcome to join and see if it works for you . ❤️

Stay blessed angels !!! ❤️❤️❤️❤️

I love you . 😭🤍

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