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     I had no other alternative, I had to do it, even if it was considered a violation of the law. I was at the police station, and no, they hadn't arrested me, although if they caught me maybe they would. I had infiltrated the hidden cabin of the cold and unsolved cases of the Wellington and Claudial police, you will wonder why, well, in a moment I'll confess to you.

     The stench of dust, humidity and loomyness were some of the factors that characterized the gloomy room I was in. It was a place of a considerable size of approximately twenty square meters and was full of long and huge shelves that went all along the room.

     I didn't know exactly where to start my search, I barely knew in what order the different boxes, that contained loose clues of the cases that the useless police unit had not turned out, were parked. It was all full of boxes everywhere, some on the huge shelves and others neglected and abandoned on the ground.

     I raised my left hand and took a look at the watch that adorned my wrist, it was already six and two minutes, there was no time to waste, it only remained a short time before they began to arrive, I had to hurry. Being in a period of panic, I set out to read the headlines of each box quickly to see if I could find those who had some relationship with what I was investigating, or some simple link with it. I turned on the hand spotlight that I had and quickly, ignoring the fact that the intensity of the light had damaged my sight since I stupidly turned it on in the direction of my face, I began to illuminate the boxes while in turn I read their headlines.

     Ten minutes passed and because of the damn fuck I wasn't finding what I was looking for, the anxiety was eating me up since I was already delaying, I checked the time once again, it was six fifteen in the morning. Before I could look up again and continue from where I stopped, the door of the place was suddenly opened by the damn devil. My heart gave a sharp heartbeat, and I began to get nervous, so much that I pulled a small box from the shelf and it fell out making an undisguised noise.

     "Is there anyone there? "asked a being with a voice that was so monotonous and dimsing that I couldn't even manage to distinguish whether he was a man or the opposite.

     "Fuck, why are you so unlucky?" I mentally repressed myself. I immediately hid behind the adjoining shelf and at the same time tried to turn off the flashlight that for the damn fuck didn't wanted to stop emitting its luminescence. I covered it with my hand so that I could stop the blissfily light that emitted like rays of the sun at noon and kept as much silent as possible. I wasn't ready to serve a sentence, or die in prison, there were more important things to do in my unbearable, but at that moment, graceful home.

     The voice asked again, "Is there anyone there?". By then, I noticed that it was a man, he had such a guttural voice that generated a turbulent echo that rumbled all over the place giving a feeling of disturbance and shudders. My nerves increased just by hearing a vowel of his speech, it seemed that he was in front of me. By the voice, that man sounded like an animal, a predator about to hunt me, his prey.

     My heart was beating vigorously to the extreme where it seemed like it was going to detonate in me, my feet were shaking, likewise my hands and I could feel the severe heartbeats even in my temple.

       That man still kept asking the question unfoundedly while he was tenaciously approaching where I was. I had already reached the end of the shelf and I was already on my back touching the rough wall, there was no escape, I thought of jumping the shelf, but I discarded the idea, since he could see me if I did.

     I kept looking through the depths of my mind, searching in a sea of knowledge and although one or another idea went to my head, nothing was intended to work, unless I lived in a world of fantasy or science fiction.

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