Chapter 5

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Kakashi was with Naomi, Sasuke and Sakura training. Menma was in bed because Naruto punch knock him out. Naruto was in the dock staring at the water of the lake, playing with his kunai flipping it around. Kushina was starring from afar to her students and next to her was her granddaughter. Kiko (Chibi face) drinking juice.

Kushina felt uncomfortable, because the her presence make feel weak. She doesn't know why, is like she is the definition of power. She needed to try best. But her thought was cut off when Kiko spoke.

Kiko: Can you stop being a wimpy bitch talk like normal person.

She keep drinking, Kushina shock of her granddaughter vocabulary. Even is rude knows she's right being scared tol talk to a child.

Kushina: So...your name is Kiko?

Kiko: Yep.

Kushina: So how old are, like 6?

Kiko: (drinking) mmhmm.

Kushina: So you are a older sibling or younger.

Kiko: Older and their my half siblings.

This shock Kushina, learning Naruto has more than one wife, but he mention Fu, but didn't mention any other, but why.

Kushina: I didn't know he had more wives.

Kiko: Had, my mom died, only mama Fu was the only mother that raise me and papa too.

Kushina was shock to hear Naruto first wife died.

Kushina: Was she a shinobi.

Kiko: (shrug) Kind of, but not exactly.

Kushina: Then how she died then?

Kiko look at her with smile and even with her blindfold.

Kiko: Giving birth to me.

Kushina eyes widen and froze, she was in shock and fells guilty for asking and also disturbed seeing how Kiko can say that with smile, she can tell even not able to her eyes she being honest.

Kiko: It was because of her body couldn't handle of giving birth to a infant. Because her bdoy was muatted from Orochimaru experimentation-

Naruto: That enough Kiko.

she stop and turn to see Naruto walking up to them.

Kiko: Just being hinest, as they say honesty is the best policy.

Naruto: Do you think people will care about honesty?

Kiko (shrug) Oh well. I heading home also mama Fu is coming to the wave.

Naruto chibi groans out annoyance.

Naruto: Damn it, troublesome women (sigh) I guess I'll up the pace up paste the mission.

Kushina was stayed still frozen and her blood froze when she heard her granddaughter mother was an experiment of Orochimaru and died because of Orochimaru experimentation effects that cause her to died from childbirth, she felt amount of guilt that her husband couldn't even stop Orochimaru and because of he experiment many children and people of the village, knowing if Hiruzen was alive he would had failed so as well, because his emotion of caring Orochimaru.

As Kushina was deepening her thoughts and then Satsuki walk up to him, he stared at his former best friend and she stared back at him. She felt uncomfortable looking at the cold eyes.

Naruto: What is it, Suki-Chan

He said in a venomous tone, causing her to flinch.

Satsuki: I wanted to talk.

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