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The recognition in her eyes nearly sent me to my knees.

And then I had to spend the next five hours watching her roll on the mat with Rumlow, I wouldn't say it was jealousy coursing through me, in reality, it couldn't be. I didn't know Astrid well enough to be jealous over her. And I can't risk anything, she's my subordinate, I'm her boss, her superior. Even if I hated the complexity of that word. But every time I would try and focus on one of the other seven trainees, my eyes would fall back to the girl on the mat, with her hair sticking to her face with sweat, and her blood-soaked shirt. Most people would want to change, but she just wiped off her chest and got back to work.

And Rumlow seemed comfortable with her like they had been friends before. Astrid had a fire lit under her, she wouldn't take bullshit from anyone, especially Brock Rumlow. Which truthfully made me smile, Brock walked around like he was God's greatest creation, he had a chip on his shoulder and it was nice to see him be humbled. It also helped that Natasha must have felt the same way because the third time we saw Astrid draw blood from the head strike agent, she chuckled, cupped her hands over her mouth, and called, "Come on Rumlow, you're better than that."

All he did was lift a middle finger over his shoulder, being pushed onto his back by Astrid seconds later.

"I like her," Natasha turned back towards me, I had kept my eyes downcast, looking at the list of agents on the paper. Thompson, Blake, Matthews, and King, all scored high on their entrance exams, and Astrid King blew most of the men in the room out of the water with her tactical skills. Hell, she may even be as good as Natasha, it would make sense why Nat would like her so much, she sees herself in the brunette. "You see anyone you're liking Cap?" Natasha pushed the clipboard down slightly, forcing my eyes up to meet her, "I have my favorite but it's not me we're choosing for."

"I'm impressed with everyone so far," I was, that wasn't a lie, but I was most impressed with Astrid, she seemed so... timid when I met her at the tavern a month ago. I should've pressed for more information, but I was entranced by the smile that finally broke when I spoke to her. "But I'm only seeing fitness exam scores, I need logistic and weaponry scores," Natasha nodded, taking the clipboard from me and flipping the paper, a sigh leaving her lips when she realized that the secretary had only printed one paper for me. Tucking the clipboard under her arm, she looked at me, waiting for my next command, we may be friends, but she knew when it came to training, I was in charge, although, I almost always included her in decisions. "Where can I find them?"

"The records department I'm sure, they have to have files in there now with training starting."

I nodded, pulling my badge out of my pocket. "Get them ready for the simulation floor, have it recorded so I can go over it tonight at home, we still on for dinner?"

Natasha smiled because, in Washington, we were each other's only friends. Clint was wherever Clint went, and well, I was still adjusting to the confusing twenty-first-century world. Not having a great understanding of my surroundings, made having friends hard. "Of course, I'll meet you at the cafe at six?"

I nodded and Natasha squeezed my bicep, a friendly gesture, but when I turned around to leave, I saw Astrid looking at me, Rumlow was cleaning a wound that she had no doubt given him. I gave her a smile and a nod, ignoring the questions swirling in her eyes before I scanned my badge and exited the gym. As soon as the automatic doors shut behind me, sealing me off from the trainees, and more importantly, the girl who had haunted my dreams for the better part of three weeks, I was able to breathe. There was no Rumlow touching her, no questions in my head, I was able to be Captain America, the man that S.H.I.E.L.D needed me to be. The man America needed me to be.

The Memories of Night | 18+Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang