106 ∞ Questions of Entanglement

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Day 00013 Mission Nilex

The memory of dreams vanished as they were wont to do when Ayla awoke in her bunk the next morning. Only one lingered before it, too, faded: Gareth's lips on hers. She dismissed it as foolishness, snapped awake and sat up, remembering the past two days' events.

Lina and Nura's absence hit her first as she looked around. She was alone except for Ahmid's presence close by, though not from the direction of his room.

She got up and performed her morning rituals as she reflected on how much they'd accomplished yesterday. They'd spent the afternoon preparing for the journey to New Jordan, cleaning and tidying, and harvesting the remaining fish. During that time, they'd talked and discussed all sorts of things. They skirted the immediate big issues, instead discussing the advantages Canaisis' seed inventory would bring, to silly topics such as the proper way to fold towels.

It had been good with just the two of them. It reminded her of their time in the shuttle when a meteorite had punctured the hull. Not once did Ahmid press her about her Journey or the Captain, and for that she was grateful. But as they finished their late Last Meal, she'd become anxious and asked Canaisis about the Captain.

Canaisis' answer had felt like a kick in her gut. «He's retired for the night, Ayla.»

Ahmid sensed her disappointment and reached out to pat her hand. "Patience, Ayla. Wait and see. Meditate with me and let us find our balance in the Universe."

How Ahmid knew, she could only guess, but he could be uncanny in his intuition sometimes. There was no question in her mind he was the right person for Nilex's leadership. But his stance on going on to New Jordan filled her with unease. She could see his point of view, and he was right. Once Earth found Nilex to have abandoned their responsibility to the People, the Citizens would be unforgiving.

After donning her ship clothes and robe, Ayla tied her Laaj around her hair, ready to face the day. She left her bunk room and found Ahmid sitting on his mat in the main room with a cup in his hand.

"Come, Ayla. I've prepared First Meal." He gestured at several bowls of food spread out before him.

She retrieved her mat and sat down beside him. "It's disquieting with everyone in cold sleep."

"Indeed. I feel sad for Tahsin and the others. They rushed to sleep not knowing if they'd wake up at all or wake up in the hands of the Citizens. I wish I could tell them, somehow."

Ayla hadn't thought about it until now, and the idea made her heart drop.

"We'll go see them," she said softly. "Maybe they can be reassured even in cold sleep."

Ahmid smiled at her words. "A pleasant thought. We shall see. I'd like to have one last look upon their faces before we go to sleep ourselves." He gave her his most optimistic smile. "And then, when we arrive, we can be there when they awaken. We can all go to the Stateroom and look upon our new home together, if the Captain permits."

"Still certain this is the best choice, Ahmid?"

He inhaled and let out a sigh. "No, I'm not. But I am certain of the results if we don't go to New Jordan."

Ayla nodded, not wanting to start the day in a debate. She took an empty bowl and dished herself some microgreens salad and a bread roll. The roll was still warm. Ahmid must have been up early to make them, otherwise she'd have noticed the smell of freshly baked bread when she awoke, before the facility ventilation removed it. She took a bite and chewed, as Ahmid poured her a cup of tea.

"What are your plans for today?" she asked after eating in silence for a while.

He took a sip from his cup as he thought.

CANAISIS ∞ Chronicle One ∞ 3:  A Shard Of CodeWhere stories live. Discover now