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I sat silently in one of the many living rooms in the mansion, my legs crossed and my arms folded against my chest. I had a blank expression on my face, moving my eyes to the side frequently to check the time on the ticking pendulum clock that rested on a wall a little distance from my right. The room I was in had a dark brown ambiance and dark brown curtains with golden rose patterns hung over the windows and doors that led outside the living room.

Today was a very important day. Today a meeting would be held between me and the council members on the matters of uniting all the packs and reigning over them as the only alpha. This was my goal ever since I was born. While all the other kids made friends and had dreams of being united with their mate, I spent days and nights plotting, looking for a way to merge the packs.

After a few minutes of waiting, I heard clicking sounds coming toward one of the entrances. Soon after, the door opened and Gregory stepped in. “Alpha Steven, they have arrived, they await you in the dining hall,” he said, inclining his torso in simple bow. I waved my right hand at him, signifying that I was on my way, and he turned around and walked out of the room.

I got up from the couch I sat on and pulled on the collars of my suit to straighten it, then walked toward the door Gregory used. After a few minutes, I arrived in the dining hall. All the members of the council were present, including the head, lady Anaya. She wore a large white hat and had a small transparent silk cloth, hanging over her face. She had white translucent gloves on and a white dress with a lower half that looked like a large rose.
“Finally, you decide to grace us with your presence,” one of the members said, turning in my direction. They all wore white clothes, each carrying a golden badge that signified their level of status in the council.
“I’m deeply sorry for making you wait. Shall we begin?” I replied, as Gregory pulled out my seat.
“This meeting is solely on the topic of you wanting to merge all the packs. We as the council think the idea is marvelous as it would promote peace and unity in werewolf society. But, do you realize that convincing the other alphas to give up their positions will be quite the hassle?” Lady Anaya spoke.

The room remained quiet for a moment. I cleared my throat and answered, “well, my lady, I plan on sending letters to each of the alphas, proposing they become cabinet members under my rulership, together we will make the world a peaceful place for werewolf kind. My only quandary is that they may fail to see reason and would most likely fight against me, this is where I would like you to step in. You can help me convince them into acknowledging that I am more than capable of ruling over them. I would hate a situation where I would have to resort to war to achieve my goals,”
“And if they refuse to listen to us?” Lady Anaya asked.

“Well, I think we all already know the answer to that,” I replied, placing my back on my seats backrest.

“Very well, Alpha Steven. We as the council of packs frankly agree with your idea and will try our very best to see that it comes to pass,” lady Anaya said with a smile.
“Thank you very much,” I replied, smiling back at her.


“If you try to start a war with one of the packs that refuse your proposal, isn’t the council obligated to intervein?” Gregory asked, both of us walking down a hall way toward my room.

“No, they aren’t, Gregory. Warfare is only a normality in the werewolf world. It is how we claim dominance over one another and maintain our position at the top, leaving the weak at the bottom where they’d rot and die. Besides, my idea of merging the packs is aimed at changing that. I plan to stop warfare completely. Any alpha who goes against it, is an enemy of peace and progress in the world of wolves,” I replied.

“I guess that’s correct, alpha Steven,” Gregory agreed, his lips curving into a smile.

We both remained silent for the rest of the walk and as we got in front of my room, Gregory asked, “It felt a bit strange that the newcomer was bold enough to go at you like that, didn’t it?”

“I turned around to face him. “What newcomer?” I asked.
“The girl who I recently accompanied here from the Montgomery’s mansion at the dark-hound pack, Gabriella,” he said.
“Oh, her. She probably must have mistaken me for someone else,” I answered, then continued, “you really have to do a better job of teaching these young girls their place in this mansion, or have you gone soft because you have some sort of romantic feelings toward her?”

“Never my lord, I have sworn to stand by your side and serve you till the day I perish,” Gregory said.
I stared at him for a moment, then let out a sigh, “You know I’m not stopping you from leaving once you find your mate, right?” I asked.

“Well, sire…” he was about to speak when I suddenly shut the door to my room. I gently placed my back on the wooden surface and let out another sigh. As I shut my eyes, strange images began filling my head. I could feel someone’s cold breath softly brushing over my throat, from the way the person breathed I could tell it was a female. Her black marble eyes sparkled in the dark tight room as she stared at me without uttering a word.

My eyes opened again and I was back in my room. As I stared at my window with a confused expression on my face, I asked myself, “Who’s memories are these?”

“Who was she?”

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