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Merdith - 17
Lexie - 16
Info . Lex
Lexies' best friend is amelia they are very close, like sisters. She's a junior in high school, and she is quite loud at school, popular but kind and stands for what she believes. She has above average grades and plays volly ball.
Info . Mer
Merdiths person is ofc christina yang. She's a senior in high school, and she is also popular. She can be mean when she wants to again believes in what she believes. She's dating derek (amelias brother), and she's a cheerleader.
Info. Cast
Lexies friend group.
● Lexie (ofc)
● Amelia
● April
● Jo
● Laura
● Jackson
● Nate
● Gorge
● Stephanie
● Sara
● Megan
● Dylan
● James
Merdiths friend group.
● Merdith (ofc) |
● Christina. |
● Alex. Smaller
● Izzy. |
● Gorge. |
--- bigger --
● Mark
● Derek
● Hallie
● Addison
The groups do merge sometimes so they hang out with whoever // I also added some of my own characters x
Authors note
Hope you enjoy this as much as I do writing it. I comment on any ideas if you have any for the story ill update as much as I can. Thank you Xx
Xoxo . M.G

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