Adrianne: the beginning of my journey (author's notes)

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Ok, this is not exactly a chapter of the story. think about it as the author's note. yeah, lets go with that. for the readers and voters and commentators of Adrianne thank you! even if you are a small mass and not like the millions of readers from other books. You inspired me to publish my book. I know it still needs a lot of editing but thanks to Julia who has been a great supporter of mine inspired me to peddle my work through different publishers. I now have two who are waiting for me to complete my work.  Its only a review but for an unknown, unnoticed and highly under appreciated (hehehehehe)  writer like me its a big step. Sure there are a lot better stories to be published out there but I want to publish MY story.  It needs polishing and a few edits here and there but it will be out there on the book stores because I want it to be. It may take years to sell (God forbid). But atleast I will leave a legacy behind in which future readers may encounter my book (and if they will not mistake it for toilet paper) they will know that a 18 year old girl who calls herself a wallflower had lived and had left something behind. a shadow of a memory. I know that I am not on the hot's list or in the watty awards but someday, somehow I WILL BE!  for my beloved fans I will continue this legacy with all of you with me! :D  

I can't bear to delete the first 10 chapters of the book off wattpad so I'll just leave it as a gift. who knows if I attempted suicide atleast the book was published somewhere. :D :D :D

the book will be renewed though, it will rock your world and you will be forced to pay for a copy of it! mwahahahahaha! No illegal downloading please! I know all the servers you can download books for free.( guilty!!!!) take note! its only the first part of a trilogy, the second and third book will blow your mind away!!!! it is not a werewolf, vampire story or an ordinary teen romance but a book that I had shaped for too long and had finally decided to came out off my mind! its a whole new world you never even dreamed about! 

oh and some background to the story:

It all started with this quote 2 years ago: "the city therefore is not a concrete jungle but a human zoo" I saw it in encarta and I saved it up in my laptop not knowing that i will one day weave it into a story.  I chose Adrianne as the name f my female lead because I was drawn to the name, only later did I found out that the name actually means warrior of light or from hadria but  chose the first one although can't find the website though..  Eliot was a different matter. first it was the name of my favorite character in Leverage  and second it was the masculine name for my laptop ( her feminine name is Ellie... yes! my laptop is GAY)  but I found out that Eliot means in Hebrew "The lord is my God" but in another translation  it means warrior. no matter I love them anyway... 

the characters in my book are found in mythologies around the world  and so where their names even the places and the weapons.   the scenes are those which I want to experience myself. I am my characters and i see what they see feel what they feel although sometimes they get carried away on their own.  So that's about it! there are many more surprises in store specially in book 2 and i hope you will all still be there!! :D 


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