Idea 1 Male Wednesday

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Okay so I was just reading a male Wednesday book (I'll put a shoutout after this) @Hermionejgranger14 'S Male Wednesday Addams X Reader (Wyatt Addams)
And got to thinking.
Think of it
Reader is a student already at nevermore and she's part of the Stoners but for a different reason ( get my drift? We're stoners/potheads)
Reader basically badmouths anyone and In my own version I will be making comments that I'll put a FW (forewarning) in the beginning of the chapter and before the comment.
The Addams will already like her for mouthing off and being different then the others and reader will also be in a black uniform.
That's all I have at the moment I'll update it if I have more to add.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 15, 2023 ⏰

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