Waxed Chest

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The alarm clock began ringing, its buzzing slowly ramping up in volume. A hand groggily felt around the head of the bed in an attempt to hit snooze one more time. Just five more minutes, just five more minutes and I will get up... His hand finally hitting his phone but was unable to fall back asleep. With a heavy yawn he rose from bed and checked the time. 10:25 AM; too late to make breakfast but unable to go to the gym on an empty stomach he changed his clothes and ran upstairs to see what left overs in the fridge he could quickly heat to hit his macros. The fridge was empty except for last night's chicken fajita and a monster that most likely went flat days ago but something is more than nothing. Rushing to the gym Diesel did a quick pat on his pockets to make sure he had everything on him. "Keys, phone, wallet, headphones, and a lucky goblin picture". He checked his phone for this morning's gym session, chest and tris, no cardio. The drive to the gym had no traffic Diesel's mind raced, a pit in his stomach formed, stress from the business, that evening's stream, and whatever unhinged shit twitter is crying about this week. A moment of clarity eased his mind; "if I conquer myself I conquer the world". His chest burned with every lift with Ricardo always nearby ready to spot as the bar fell and rose again. Ricardo's eyes glowed today, sweat clung to his shirt like dew on a blade of grass in the spring. The sides of his mouth twitched as they traded spots nearly getting lost in his eyes and the hard pump on his chest. "Looking huge dude." Said Ricardo. A good gym partner but a better friend. Diesel used the back of his hand to wipe off the sweat from his brow " thanks man, give me a min I forgot my water bottle at home and need a pic before moving to the cool down". Diesel walked away from Ricardo and towards the bathroom, he flexed on the mirror and pulled his phone out. "The hoes gon love this" he smugly thought to himself as he posed for the picture while his pump was at its apex.

As he snapped pictures for his twitter followers Ricardo's comment echoed in his head... "he thinks I look huge today..." Diesel blushed his face red with what bypassers might confuse with exhaustion from his workout but his ears being red giving him away. "I should probably shower before heading home, I'll just skip the cool down today." Thought Diesel as he walked towards the lockers. Ricardo walked in with a sly smile across his face, the sweat on his face reflected off his olive skin finally getting stuck in his beard. His almond eyes went from Diesel's chest to his arms finally coming up to Diesel's eyes where they stayed. The air was electric, the heat in the locker room was intense as Ricardo's hands came ever closer. Ricardo gave a squeeze to Diesel's tricep and then held the side of his face. "Diesel there is something I have to tell you". Ricardo whispered as his eyes closed and he leaned closer for a kiss. Diesel's heart almost escaped his chest and quickly calmed down as he leaned in too. "I'm the jocka baybeeeeee" said Ricardo lovingly as their lips came together.

Though most of it had been cleaned up, the wax still left a mark, dark splotches of the oils that embedded into surfaces or hardened the fibers of the chair and carpet... Mostly cleaned but the evidence of its passing withstood the testament of time. The defective glass candle jars are put aside for Handler to deal with in the morning. Diesel looked at his computer and read from his server, memes about being little guys, the newest drama about this and that, and some guy having a manic episode rambling about the insane clown posse and how he'll make everyone into juggalos. Though on normal days this much activity would stroke his ego and entertain him for an hour or two tonight it seemed dull... It has been a few days since the second wax accident, Diesel's skin has healed enough to subside the dull pain. The goon to end all goons has now had a follow up that the server is comparing to WWII calling it World Goon II. Luckily his friend had been recording and caught it as it happened. SpiralingPoison, an incredible artist but a close friend.Poison mentioned off hand wanting to begin streaming her drawings to which Diesel immediately jumped on board to offer help set up and keep conversation going as Poison got her footing at streaming. Though the little guys were sharing a brain cell between the fifty of them they managed to be engaged. From the corner of his eye a little guy began to gaslight the Europeans. "Why haven't you tried a snickle or a deep fried oreo? Its some fire carnival foods here at the states." For a few hours Poison drew a muscular goblin with a small chest and no hips with white and blue hair, another masterpiece for everyone to pull their ropes to. After an incredibly successful stream Diesel confessed to his ploy that snickles were a lie, nobody ever ate a kitkaickle, or a butterfickle. Poison lost her trust towards some schizo in chat but the stream went well and the art came out tastefully h0rnÿ. It's been a few days since the last stream and skibibdi toilet games are always welcome. Diesel and Poison played games and decompressed for a while. "You know, I'd try a snickle if you try a snickle." Poison slyly smiled as she put the controller down. Diesel's face lit up, he gaslit, gatekept, and girl bossed just far enough from the sun.They each prepped their snickle Poison went with the classic full hollowed pickle snickle while Diesel chose the contemporary pickle spears snickles. They each counted down and went in for a bite, then a second. The acidic taste of the pickle mixing with the sweetness of the snickers was a euphoric taste for Diesel. His eyes rolled back as the nougat mixed with the pickle's flesh and the wrong types of nut were creamed in his mouth. The girth of a pickle and the vein of the snickers reminded Diesel of a passionate evening with his lover as warmth flooded him.

Maybe Ricardo was right all along, maybe purple is not my color thought Diesel as he tried suit jacket after suit jacket. No no no, none of these show that I have that dog in me... Diesel felt defeated

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 15, 2023 ⏰

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