❦ ℭ𝔥𝔞𝔭𝔱𝔢𝔯 𝔒𝔫𝔢 ✰

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Horrible wasn't anywhere near to explaining how he felt. He felt like he'd had the contents of his heart had been scooped out, leaving it empty. He felt like everything he thought was good about himself had completely been washed out, leaving nothing but self-hatred.

Johnnie just laid in bed without any intention to get up. He was sweaty and he wanted to shower, but he couldn't find the motivation in himself to do so.

He hadn't taken his makeup off from last night and he didn't plan to.

Johnnie's episodes had only been this bad once since living with Jake, and the taller had been out of town at the time. He felt it was safer to stay confined in his room, pretending to sleep, than getting up and having his best friend see him like this.

He also hadn't eaten anything since last night and it was 3pm. He was hungry but he couldn't find the will to pull himself out of the blankets of misery and into the kitchen.

He knew he had to eat at some point and he knew if he didn't come out Jake would notice and barge in with McDonald's or something.

He sighs, finally finding the motivation to get out of bed, not caring about his apearence because, well, who cared?

When he came out of his cave of a bedroom, he saw that Jake was doing a Livestream, baking... Whatever he was baking... Johnnie had no idea.

'Well fuck, now I kinda care about how I look...'

He blinked at the taller boy in the kitchen before walking behind him to get a drink.

"Hey Johnnie, you hungry? Want some of this?"

Johnnie looked at the bowl of food on the counter.

"Yeah... No thanks.. what the fuck is that, anyways?" He asked, turning around. Jake's eyes widened as he saw the way his best friend looked. He had his eyeliner streaked on his cheeks, messy ass hair, and his eyebags were fucking huge.

He ignored it, trying to keep the chat entertained. "You'll have to guess." Jake smirked sheepishly, his eyes showing an ironic glint of mischievousness.

"Jake, did you shit in the bowl?" He asked jokingly, a small grin was apparent on his face as he filled a glass up with water.

The taller male made an offended face and scoffed playfully. "Its not that bad!"

Johnnie just chuckled lightly. He was  trying his hardest to be funny for the Twitch chat but it was clear that he barely had any happiness in him at the time.

Jake just rolled his eyes playfully, but definitely noticed his mood, it was kind of unusual for him to notice Johnnie's mood since he wasn't exactly an empath.

He had no idea how to approach the situation. He saw Johnnie go back into his room and figured he would check up on him.. just in case.

He turned to the live chat. He had a smile on his face as to not make the chat skeptical, then explained to them how he had to piss, and would be right back.

Yeah that was a lie, but else was Jake supposed to do? Even if Johnnie is going through a rough patch, which he definitely is, he wouldn't want the viewers to know.

Jake walked towards Johnnies door, the slight stomp of his feet audible. He raised his hand and lightly knocked on the door.

"Johnnie? Can I come in?"

He asked in a more calm and gentle voice than usual. He heard shuffling from the other side of the door before it creaked open, the shorter male visible on the other side.


He had his eyebrows raised and it looked like he just rolled out of bed.

"Are you.. okay? Sorry, you just seemed a little off today and I didn't know if it was cause you were tired or something happened. Like, you know you can tell me anything, right? I will always be he-"

"Yes, yes I get it." He giggled lightheartedly "I just- didn't get enough sleep last night haha."

He squinted skeptically but shrugged it off, not wanting to push it. "If you say so... Just remember, I will always be here for you, okay?"

Johnnie smiled half-heartedly "Yeah."

He closed the door and Jake walked away, regretting not digging into the situation more. He shrugged. 'Maybe he really didn't get enough sleep and I'm overthinking things...' he thought, heading back into the kitchen.

"I'm back chat!!!" He called out in a sing-song voice.

Hello! Sorry if I did bad writing this, I've been writing this during my classes and at times when I was a little distracted and even if I did skim over it for mistakes, I could've missed something. Please leave your opinion in the comments! Love you, and I hope you enjoyed <33

Roommates- A Jake Webber x Johnnie Guilbert Fanfiction. !Discontinued!Where stories live. Discover now