01 | Shadows Of Deception

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01 | Shadows Of Deception

The sky grows dark and ominous as the sun vanishes, leaving behind an eerie silence that engulfs the surroundings. The fading light gives way to a sense of foredoing, casting long, sinister shadows across the landscape. It's like nature itself is setting the stage for something sinister and mysterious.

Jungkook's outfit

Jungkook's outfit

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He found himself in a tough spot, his hands aching due to the handcuff as he let out a sigh

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He found himself in a tough spot, his hands aching due to the handcuff as he let out a sigh. He braced himself, waiting for the darkness to cloak him in its embrace.

Enveloped in the descent of darkness, his screams reverberate, a poignant symphony of pain. A sinister transformation unfolds as two elongated teeth materialize on his gums, reminiscent of vampire lore, and expansive black wings gracefully extend, mirroring the majesty of eagles. His once-human eyes were now ablaze in fiery red, casting an ominous allure reminiscent of a devilish presence. Amidst the supernatural evolution, the struggles to liberate himself from the handcuff intensify, weaving a gripping narrative of both physical and metaphysical defiance.

His transformed variation

His transformed variation

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As his screams pierce through the air echoing the depth of his torment, the maid, acquainted with his mysterious tendencies, can't help but shudder at the inserting sound. In her typical curiosity, contemplates ascending the stairs to uncover the source of the disturbance. However, the strict prohibition by her employer restrains her, leaving her touring between duty and unnerving uncertainty unfolding upstairs.

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