Smoke and Mirrors

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Dawn's fragile light filtered through the blinds of the 24-hour diner where Pietra and Sonia sat, the aroma of fresh coffee permeating the air. Strewn across the table were documents and newspapers, interspersed with empty mugs and crumbs from a shared plate of no-french pastry. The night had slipped away during their brainstorming session, fueled by adrenaline and black coffee. At the same time, they followed the digital breadcrumb trail based on Sonia's anonymous tip.

"Let's go over this again," said Pietra, stifling a yawn. "The payments we uncovered from Senator Miranda's campaign funds all ended up funneled through this Meridian Trust Corporation randomly, right?"

Sonia nodded, blinkingly rapidly as she scoured her notes. "Thousands of dollars on the 15th of every month for the past two years to several different accounts, apparently are transferred again to Meridian Trust in cash deposits of the same amount one day later. It can be an coincidece, right? And it doesn't match any public campaign expenses. Also the company name itself rings no bells – no employees listed, no physical headquarters we can track down. A dead end."

Pietra frowned as she added cream to her freshly refilled cup. Outside, the city was stirring awake, the morning sunlight washing away the mystery of night. "A shell company, for certain. Standard practice to conceal illicit cash flows related to trafficking, money laundering, you name it. But how does our esteemed Senator fit into this? And where does this money's pocket goes to?"

"That's the missing puzzle piece," Sonia murmured. "There must be a connection we're just not seeing."

During a temporarily unsupervised moment, she flipped through the folder of financial statements and campaign contribution records they had "borrowed" from Senator Miranda's campaign manager, Reynolds. Faint sounds of clinking silverware and café chatter surrounded them as Sonia periodically tapped a pen on the table, deep in thought.

"Hold on..." Sonia sat upright, grasping at a fleeting thought. "I know shell corporations typically use random generic names, but run me through the Meridian Trust moniker one more time?"

Pietra obliged. "Meridian Trust Corporation. Formed two years ago anonymously, no employee or location data. First payment from Miranda's campaign fund received a month after incorporation."

Sonia's eyes flickered with dawning realization. "The initials...M.T.C. Doesn't that align rather perfectly with Miranda's Trusted Associate known for shady dealings from his early political days? What was his name, the one who got ousted, but maybe still holds a grudge?"

Comprehension sparked in Pietra's mind. "Martin Giles Castillo," she declared after a moment's thought, checking the name online to confirm. "Miranda's long-time aide and campaign manager 20 years ago when he first ran for city councilor. Rumors floated back then of Castillo embezzling money even as a junior staffer, but Miranda jettisoned him soon after the election to keep his reputation clean."

She spun the screen towards Sonia, revealing Castillo's face with narrowed eyes and a forced smile beside a younger, fresher-faced Miranda. "You might be onto something here. Hell hath no fury like a disgraced political operative."

"Those monthly payments could be Miranda still funneling hush money to Castillo years later to buy his silence over past financial misdeeds or keep him placated despite the bad blood," Sonia suggested, energy renewed. "We need to talk to this guy, see why he formed a shell company so aligned with the Senator's history."

"Exactly." Pietra felt the familiar quickening in her pulse that accompanied the first tug of a thread unspooling greater secrets. She dropped a $20 bill to cover their late-night sustenance. "Let's pay our mysterious Mr. Castillo a visit and find out what his game is."

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 14, 2023 ⏰

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