Part 5 - Memories are a Bitch

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The heroes, followed by Pan, rushed out of Gold's shop to see the dwarfs, Granny, and several others in the same spot by the clock tower that Regina, Emma, and the others were when Rumple killed Pan.

They all had some sort of weapon in their hands, ready to defend themselves and their town. Y/n, feeling threatened, balled her fists, letting out an ear-piercing scream.

She didn't just feel threatened, she felt angry too, pissed off even. She was sad, grieving, she missed Pan with a passion. Her wail sliced through the air, sending shivers down their spines, a mournful lament that seemed to echo the pain she felt.

It took them a moment to realize what she must have been feeling. The moment Rumple killed Pan. They all looked at her with sadness and pity in their eyes, almost everyone there knowing what it's like to lose someone they love.

Regina, seeming to have enough of the screeching, sent Y/n flying to their left. She hit the ground with a thud, rolling a few feet away from them. Y/n hissed from the pain, letting out a growl as she spotted Regina and the others.

"What the hell was that for?" Pan yelled at Regina.

"Would you rather her keep screaming, eventually killing someone?"

Peter rolled his eyes, slowly making his way towards Y/n. With each step, Y/n managed to scramble to her feet. She got into a fighting stance, her long, stiletto nails flaring from her fingers. She let out a hiss, barring her fangs, making Pan stop just a few feet in front of her.

"Darling, we don't want to hurt you."

"That's right. We want to help you," David said, staying behind with the others.

"I know you're still in there. Please, come back to us. Come back to me," Pan whispered, sincerity in his eyes.

For a moment, Pan saw the Y/n he once knew flash in the banshee's eyes. Her eyes broken, tears threatening to come out. Her eyes pleaded for him to help her, to just hold her and to never let go.

The banshee's form trembled for a moment, as if wrestling with the echoes of her former self. But then, with an ethereal grace, she vanished once more, leaving only the haunting echo of her laughter in the air.

Pan sighed, seeing how much she loved him, how broken she was after she witnessed his death. He figured out this was definitely going to be more difficult than he originally thought, especially when she thinks he's still dead, not truly there.

"Now what?" Regina asked, growing tired of chasing after a demon.

"Now, we figure out a plan," Hook suggested.

"What? No, she's out there somewhere threatening the lives of the people in this town," David reminded him.

"Not to mention, herself. Don't forget that little piece of information," Pan hissed.

"We can't just go running around guns-a-blazin' trying to hunt her down, especially when she doesn't want to be found."

"Hook's right. We need to form a plan," Snow agreed. "Let's go back to Granny's. Regroup."

Everyone nodded, fatigue hitting them like a truck as they spotted the sun setting. They all made their way back to Granny's, being careful not to step on the broken glass.

As the group took their seats around the diner, they began to form a plan of some sorts. Everyone looking as though they needed it, drank coffee for a burst of energy they'll need if they want to save the trapped young woman.

"Maybe if we try to get through to her, this time, she'll listen," Snow thought aloud.

"Oh, yeah, like that worked out so well the last time," Regina retorted sarcastically.

"Well, you got any better ideas?" David questioned.

"What if I go alone?" Pan spoke, staring at his reflection in the dark liquid of the mug.

"What? Are you crazy? We're not letting that happen," Emma hissed out, still not trusting Pan but also worried for his safety and Y/n's.

"What if it's the only way? She obviously feels threatened by all of you. She could be more calm if she just sees one person instead of dozens of people."

"And what if you get hurt? What then?" Emma questioned.

"She won't hurt me."

"She threw you against a table, mate," Hook reminded him with a hint of amusement in his voice.

"Because her target was initially Emma. If I'm the only one there, I'll be her target. She'll have no choice but to listen to me."

Emma sighed, seeing the same look in his eyes that she sees in herself whenever she's set on something. She barely knows Pan, but from their little interactions back in Neverland, she knows Pan is not the type to give up so easily.

"Fine. But the only way you are going is if we go too." Pan opened his mouth to question what she just said but before he could she elaborated. "The element of surprise. If anything were to go wrong, we'd have the upper hand. She wouldn't know we're there."

"Alright. Alright, fine." Pan glanced out the window, noticing how dark it was getting. "If that's the only way you'll let me save her, then I'm in."


"Question is, where could she be?" Hook inquired."

"The one place where she turned," Pan answered, his eyes lighting up as he thought about finally being able to save her.

"Where?" Snow asked.

"The well."

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 24, 2023 ⏰

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