Chapter 141: I Can Do This

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The next morning, Xiao Hanzheng went to the county school.

At noon, he went to the Bai family's restaurant.

Fourth Son Shi also joined him here after school very soon.

The waiter directly led him into the private room with Mo Qingling and Xiao Hanzheng drinking tea and chatting in it.

Fourth Son Shi greeted Mo Qingling respectfully and handed him the medicine bottle.

He sold Eldest Young Master Wu completely.

Mo Qingling had already prepared a set of paper, brush and ink.

He asked Fourth Son Shi to write down the situation and give his fingerprint.

He even praised and encouraged Fourth Son Shi, which tempted him to sell the Wu family even more.

Some people from the Wu family were trailing Fourth Son Shi, so Xiao Hanzheng did not let Fourth Son Shi to look for Mo Qingling directly.

Instead, they went to the Bai family's restaurant one after another.

It looked like they were having a normal meal.

After Fourth Son Shi handed over the medicine bottle, he entered another private room next door.

Following Xiao Hanzheng's instructions, he invited his classmates and left together after the meal.

Hence, the people sent by the Wu family did not realise that he had already handed the medicine bottle to Mo Qingling.

In the other village.

Shi Qingluo took the skateboard that she had made and asked Liang Youxiao and the others to meet her at the cement road at their main gate.

"This is called a skateboard. Not only can it be a commuting option on the cement road, it can also do a lot of tricks."

After Shi Qingluo finished introducing it, she placed it on the ground and slided it with her feet.

Soon, she landed on another section of the road.

She first demonstrated how to use the skateboard for commuting.

Then, she used the skateboard to showcase a lot of difficult stunts.

She performed them very smoothly.

Liang Youxiao's eyes widened as Shi Qingluo skated.

It looked so fun. He wanted to give it a try.

Fei Yuzhe and Fei Congjun were envious also.

Xiao Baili and Xiao Erlang looked at Shi Qingluo with admiration.

Their sister-in-law was really amazing.

After playing for a while, Shi Qingluo slid in front of them and asked, "Do you guys want to try?"

Liang Youxiao immediately said, "Let me try."

Shi Qingluo stepped aside and verbally taught him how to skate.

Liang Youxiao had also carefully observed how Shi Qingluo played it just now.

Now, he could skate normally after going up the skateboard.

"This can really be a walking tool. It's much easier than walking." He skated a few rounds back and forth.

Shi Qingluo said, "It can really save a lot of effort, but only on a smoothly paved cement road. It won't slide on a dirt road."

Liang Youxiao nodded. "No problem. There are plenty of places to skate in the capital now."

Then, he imitated Shi Qingluo and did some difficult moves, such as stepping at the back of the skateboard to tilt it upright.

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