Fuck you too

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I knocked on the door to pretty much my second home.
The sturniolo household.

I'm great friends with Nick and Chris.
Matt, on the other hand.
Not so much..
Let's just say we never had the best start and just grew to dislike each other strongly.

I've known the 3 boys ever since I was 5, and they were only just 6.

I heard someone running down the stairs of their house and approaching the door.

Not who I wanted it to be.


He stared at me for a second before closing the door in my face.

"Well, that was rude." i mumbled.

I opened the door and walked in.

"Where's Nick and Chris?" I asked, not making eye contact with the boy.

"Not here." He shrugged.

"Kay, get one of them to text me when they're back, and I'll come round later."

"God, please don't." He pleaded.

"Don't be a bitch Matt." I began to walk away

"Yeah, walk away you pussy."

That made me immediately turn back around.

"What do you want?" I took a step towards the kitchen island.

"For you to leave my brothers alone." He began.

"You're making them miserable, y'know."

"Well, aren't you funny? Rhetorical question, you're not."

"Just saying. They complain about you all the time." He sipped his soda.

I took a step back.
"Fuck off little liar, don't try to make me feel bad I'm not in the fucking mood."

He put his arms up in defence. "Not lying. But go on home now." He shooed me away."

I flipped him off as I walked away.


It's been 8 hours, and surely they haven't been out that long.

I bet Matt just didn't tell them, so I wouldn't come round.

I texted Nick.

"Can I stay at urs tonight?"

He replied with a quick and simple yes and said that they could watch movies downstairs.

I packed my backpack with my makeup, skincare, charger, earphones, and I change of clothes.

I was already wearing pajamas, so there wasn't any point in me bringing new ones.

I didn't need to bring a toothbrush or hairbrush as I already have my own there.

Their house was only a 3 minute walk. It was literally down the street.

I walked straight into the house and saw Nick setting up blankets and popcorn on the couch.

I smiled as I set my bag down and put my phone in my hoodie pocket.

"What's up." I smiled, walking into the living room.

"This looks comfy as fuck." I said, admiring all the blankets and pillows.

Chris came running downstairs immediately tackling me in a hug.

He didn't really tackle me im just dramatic as fuck.

"Lydiee, I feel like I haven't seen u in agesss."  He overdramatized, dragging out the 's' in ages.

"You saw me yesterday, kid." I laughed.

"See? Ages." He said, letting go of me.

"Fucking drama queen." Matt announced, trotting down the stairs.

I laughed lightly, hiding it with a cough so I didn't boost his asshole ego by making him think he's funny.

"Who wouldn't want to see Lyddawg every hour of every day?" Nick questioned, putting his arm around my shoulder.

"Who would?" He replied after grabbing a Pepsi put the fridge.

Chris and Nick raised their hands.

"That better not be MY Pepsi, by the way." Chris changed the subject.

"Kid, all u ever drink is soda, give it a rest."

They started play yelling at each other whilst trying not to laugh.

"Okay enough, I'm bored." I said, dragging Chris away from Matt.

"Ooo, Lydia has spoken everybody." Matt rolled his eyes.

"Quit rolling those eyes before I roll them across the fucking floor.

"Fuck off you piece of horse shit."

"Think I hit a nerve there." I muttered to chris and Nick who laughed.

"What'd you say?" He said, stepping towards the couch.


I watched the screen as Nick scrolled thru a bunch of movies.

"Thought so." Matt stated.

"Don't get too cocky, Bernard." I hissed.

He mocked me in a shitty girly voice.

"I don't sound like that."

"I know, u sound worse."

"Fuck you."

"Fuck you too." He finished before heading back upstairs.

"I'll be right back." I told the triplets.

They smiled and nodded in return.

I headed to the bathroom.

I took a shaky breath before locking the door.

I just stared at myself in the mirror.

I hate mirrors. They haunt me like crazy and only prove how ugly I am.

I watched as a lazy tear dripped down my face.

"Why the fuck am I crying!" I whispered to myself in anger.

I washed my face with water and went back to the living room.

We got like 30 mins into our movie until I fell asleep.

I clearly remember the same words ringing my ears before I fell asleep.

"You're making them miserable, y'know."

I knew that he was only lying and trying to make me feel shit but I couldn't get it out of my head.

"You're making them miserable, y'know."

Author speakss~

Really short so I'm sorry but what do yall think so far?? Love yall.

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