LUCIUS: from darkness I emerge

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In a world much like our own, there lived a young boy named Lucius

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In a world much like our own, there lived a young boy named Lucius. Lucius was different from other boys his age, for he was born with horns and pointed ears that made him stand out among his peers. His parents were kind and loving, but they couldn't understand their son's strange appearance, and so they kept him hidden away from the rest of society.

As a result, Lucius grew up alone, never experiencing the joy of friendship or the warmth of human connection. He spent most of his days locked within the walls of his family's mansion, surrounded by books and forbidden knowledge that his parents deemed too dangerous for him to know.

But despite his isolation, Lucius was not a sad child. He was curious and intelligent, and he spent his days reading and learning as much as he could about the world outside of his own. He dreamed of one day escaping the confines of his home and exploring the world beyond, where he hoped to find others like himself.

One day, Lucius stumbled upon a mysterious book hidden deep within the library of his mansion. The cover was bound in black leather, and it felt strangely warm to the touch. As he opened its pages, he discovered that it was a diary written by a powerful demon who had once walked the earth.

Intrigued, Lucius began to read the diary, devouring every word as if it were a window into another world. And as he read, he began to feel a strange sensation coursing through his veins - a sensation that he had never experienced before. It was as if the words on the page were coming alive inside of him, filling him with a power and strength that he had never known existed.

Overcome with excitement, Lucius decided to take the diary with him on a walk through the gardens surrounding his mansion. But as soon as he stepped outside, he felt a sudden change come over him. His horns grew longer and sharper, his eyes turned bright red, and his skin took on a darker, more sinister tone.

Looking around, Lucius saw that everything in the garden seemed to have changed. The flowers were now twisted and grotesque, and the trees towered above him like monoliths. A cold wind howled through the air, carrying the scent of brimstone and smoke.

Realizing that he had transformed into some sort of demonic creature, Lucius panicked. He didn't know what he was capable of doing, or what might happen to him next. But then, as he looked down at the diary still clutched in his hand, he remembered the words of the demon who had written it.

"To control your powers," the diary had said, "you must embrace your true nature."

And so, Lucius did just that. He embraced his newfound abilities, reveling in the feeling of strength and darkness that came with them. He reveled in the fear and awe that he inspired in those around him, using his powers to manipulate and control those weaker than himself.

For years, Lucius roamed the land, seeking out others like himself and building an army of demons under his command. And though he may have started out as a lonely and isolated boy, he had grown into something far greater - a master of the dark arts, feared and respected by all who knew his name.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 17, 2023 ⏰

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