8 1 0

Standard Time (SY/SD/SH):{ 259,037,112/146/10}
Earth Time: ~3219BCE

The central hall of the Rekjavu was abuzz with the rhythmic thumping of the boots of the hundred or so people who had gathered there. It was perhaps a one-in-a-million SY event. A new entity had been discovered by the Expeditionary Unity-3, which had been entrusted to explore the unexplored reaches of the universe. It rarely did its job well. The last time it had almost started an intergalactic war because Dude Mood, yes, that's his real name, the officer incharge was in a bad mood because someone accidentally ejected his entire Pokemon card collection into space. I'm not naming any names, but the previous day his girlfriend Scream, yes, that's her real name, was gossiping about how he never gave her any attention as he was always busy looking at his Pokemon card collection, checking for any bent corners that may have implied she had tried to take a card out from its holder.

It was not the first time the EU-3 had found something worth noticing. A few billion or so standard years (SY) ago, I may point out that the history of the foundation does not start from 0/0/0 but rather time immemorial, they discovered the Wdrgjkinbdadododo. An entity that inhabited dimension 414. Oh wait, I haven't told you about dimension 414, have I? No worries, I'll tell you all about it in the next paragraph. Oh wait, I haven't told you who I am either. Sorry to say, but that will have to be a secret for a long long time. Perhaps eternity. Perhaps not. What worth is life without suspense? Am I right? AM I RIGHT?!?!



Energy is that without which the stars grind to a halt. Even Crimpsn is remembered to have once said,

"If you don't have energy, then you got nothing, man!"

But what is the cost of energy for this Organisation of which I speak? Does it buy its energy from some intergalactic energy provider? Perhaps from some massive solar plant in case it wants to preserve the environment, which won't be preserved in the end since the solar plant was made by stripping entire planets of their crust or perhaps using the entire planet as raw material? The answer to all these questions is no. It gets its energy for absolutely free. By stealing it.

The Organisation siphons its energy from different dimension sets. The first such dimension set was dimension set 313. It didn't have much energy and consequently ran out of juice after a mere 10^20 years. Since it was the first dimension set to be siphoned, the efficiency was quite low, only about 30% of the energy could be siphoned. It was partially due to the limits imposed by the second law of thermodynamics, which, as per Lord Kelvin's statement,

"It is impossible for a self-acting machine, unaided by any external agency, to convey heat from one body to another at a higher temperature. It is impossible, by means of inanimate material agency, to derive mechanical effect from any portion of matter by cooling it below the temperature of the coldest of the surrounding objects."

Due to some random quirk of probability, the temperature of dimension set 313 was always 10/7th of the Organisation's universe. Clubbed with the near-perfect carnot engine devised by Grigardo, and hence named after him, the efficiency of the engine, i.e. 1-Temperature of sink/Temperature of source gives the efficiency of the Grigardo Engine at about 30%.


Ribby Vinemin, sitting on one of the deluxe chairs in the back end of the hall, sipped his favourite blue wine. His hair was blonde and his face clean-shaven. He liked it that way, he thought he looked as the ladies always smiled as they passed by him. In reality, it was because they thought he looked weird.

The seats in the back were reserved for the senior members of the Organisation. It was from here that they could survey the entire hall, although that purpose had long since become useless. It was quite useful though, in the time of the Melvel_AI crisis, to spot any erratic behaviour that suggested that a member had been assimilated by the enemy's hive mind. Although only two such incidents occurred in which a member had been assimilated, the seating arrangement persisted and found a new use. That use was to provide privacy for the senior members who discussed important topics that could change the course of history.

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⏰ Last updated: May 12 ⏰

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