Sad Childhood Memories

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Hope was stunned. She still couldn't believe that Lloyd, a little kid, was the chosen one. Neither Lloyd nor Garmadon were happy about this revelation.

In fact, once Lloyd got over the shock of being told that he was destined to fight his father, the little boy started crying and wouldn't stop. The adults, teenagers, and nindroid tried to calm him down, but to no avail.

"It's okay, Lloyd, don't cry," said Nya. "Everything will be fine."

But that was a lie and everyone knew it. Nobody wanted to be told that they had to fight their father.

Zane tried to sooth Lloyd by bringing him a plate of cookies. Although Lloyd did stop crying, tears still poured down his face as he nibbled on the cookies.

"I think that he needs therapy," said Hope.

"He will probably need more than therapy when the Final Battle is done," said Kai.

"Actually, Lloyd said that his mother abandoned him when he was five years old," said Cole. "And his father was banished to the Underworld when he was a baby. So he hasn't had anything to do with his parents for years."

Hope stayed silent. She sort of understood Lloyd's pain. She hadn't seen her parents since she was eleven.

"No, I don't want to leave you guys!" begged young Hope as a social worker tried to tear her away from her parents. "I want to stay with you, please!"

"I'm sorry, but you know that we're poor now," said Mrs Mason. "We want a better life for you."

"I don't want a better life! I want to stay with you! Mom, Dad, don't leave me! I'll be a good girl."

"You are a good girl," said Mr Mason. "But sometimes having children means making difficult choices. You'll understand when you have your own kids."

"Hope, it's almost time for you to meet your new foster parents," said the social worker. "Say your goodbyes."

Hope hugged her parents. "I love you two so much," she said.

Her parents kissed her on her forehead. "We love you too," said her mother. "We will think of you every day."

Hope looked tearfully at her parents until she was led out of their sight.

Hope sighed as she looked at a photograph of her as a child with her biological parents. She wondered if they had regretted giving her up. There was no way they could have known that Hope's foster parents would be awful.

After two solid hours of crying, Lloyd had exhausted himself and had fallen asleep. His father had carried him to bed. Usually the ninja liked to discuss amongst themselves about whatever had happened that day, but today dinner was subdued. Hardly anyone said anything when Zane came wearing his pink apron. Usually everyone would giggle at the sight.

It must have been a world record for the longest time Jay had been quiet. He wasn't even quiet when asleep. He would move around a lot or snore.

Hope had no appetite. She just pushed around the food on her plate. Hardly anyone felt like eating, so no one cared that she wasn't eating anything.

Later that night, Hope was lying in bed, wide awake. Nya had fallen asleep a while ago, but Hope did not feel sleepy at all. It seemed strange that mere hours ago, she had been excited about receiving her own ninja gi.

Hope looked at the clock. It showed 12.30 am. Had there been such a long night as this?

Finally, more to pass the time than because she actually needed it, Hope got out of bed to get a glass of water. She quietly tiptoed into the kitchen.

However, as she drank her water, Hope heard strange sounds. Did they sound like sobs?

Hope realized that they came from the small room that belonged to Lloyd. She tried her best to move quietly, but the lack of ninja training made her footsteps sound really loud in the silent night. Hope cringed. How embarrassing!

It seemed that Lloyd also heard her, because the sobs grew quiet. Hope gently knocked on the door.

"Lloyd? Is everything okay?" No answer. Hope opened the door slowly.

Lloyd was lying in bed with his back to her. Although his body was perfectly still, he seemed too tense to pass as asleep. In fact, his body seemed to be shaking slightly.

"Lloyd?" asked Hope. "Are you awake?"

When it became clear that Lloyd wouldn't answer her, she just sat down at the edge of her bed. "I know that it's hard having your parents leave you," she said. "When I was eleven years old, my parents gave me up for adoption. I ended up with an amazing foster sister, but my foster parents hated me and beat me every day."

At that, Lloyd sat up in bed. "You got beaten up?" he asked.

"Yeah, but those days are behind me," said Hope. "I am now safe from their clutches, but I will never forget how scared and hopeless I had felt living with them. If it weren't for Alyssa, I would have never survived."

"Well, I can sort of understand my Dad leaving me," said Lloyd. "But my Mom? I begged her to come back, but she never did. And she didn't send anything! Not a letter. Not a gift. Not... Anything."

Lloyd started to cry again, and Hope hugged him.

"What if you saw your Mom again? I mean, I would give anything to see my biological parents again, even if it's just for a moment."

"I don't know," muttered Lloyd.

"How about I tell you a story about my biological parents?" asked Hope.

So Hope told Lloyd about one time when she was little and would be obsessed with placing stickers everywhere in the house. She had received a book of stickers for Christmas and thought them pretty.

Then Lloyd told Hope about his first time at a playground, shortly before his mother left (abandoned?) him. He had tried to play with the other kids, but their parents, recognizing him as Lord Garmadon's son, had shooed him away. Hope could almost picture his sad, heartbroken expression at their behaviour.

This world is so unfair, thought Hope.

Later, Lloyd started to yawn and rubbed his eyes. "Tired?" asked Hope.

"Mmm," said Lloyd.

Hope gently carried him and tucked him into bed. Lloyd was already asleep before she had placed the blanket over his body.

"Goodnight," she said before leaving the room.

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