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- Hey

- Hey.

- Can we talk?

- About?

- Us?..

- What about us?

- What happened with us?

- What do you mean?

- I mean what happened to us??
This isn't us..
What changed?

- I don't know what
are you talking about

- I mean look at us..
We don't spend that much time together anymore..
We don't talk that much anymore.. and when we do we fight...
What happened to us?... we used to be so happy together...

- I don't know..

- I remember when we
used to talk all day long
about everything and anything..
Do you remember?...

- I do.

- And then why don't we
try to be like that again?..

- I don't think I
want to try again..

- Why?
You don't love me anymore?...

- I'm sorry..

- It's okay...

- In another life?..

- In another life.

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