Mission 3: Find the Right Club

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Mission 3: Find the Right Club - And Mama Too!

"I don't want this mama."​​​​​​​




The list felt never ending. Loid held back a groan as that sinking feeling started to develop in the pit of his stomach once again. Truly this was his most trying mission to date.

Not only did he have to scramble to find a wife and mother of his "children", he also had to prepare both girls for the upcoming interview which included preparing Zuri for her upcoming assessment. The paperwork given to him had been very thorough, as expected of Eden. After the interview Zuri–and the other students who made it thus far–would audition for a spot in one of the Eden University's main extracurricular clubs and teams.

He'd been given a lengthy list of all the activities that would be offered and it was encouraged that each student audition for each one that would showcase their skills. He only had a few days to submit paperwork to sign Zuri up for the proper activities...but what would those be?

He spent all night pondering on what he could possibly put Zuri in that would ensure maximum success.

"She's quite smart so something like Debate or perhaps an Academic-based club would do, but I'm not sure how she'll do in a practical matter. Zuri's life was much different than the average child, perhaps something she naturally learned can be utilized to get her into at least one of these clubs."

Loid set down the paper. Zuri was sitting before the TV, Anya in her lap. The older girl held a brush, running the soft bristles through the pink locs of her younger sister.

"Zuri," he called out to the girl.

"Yes, father?" Zuri glanced over her shoulder as she addressed Loid.

"Can I have a moment to talk to you?"

"Sure." Zuri lifted Anya off her lap, the younger girl so enthralled with her show she paid no mind to the sudden shift of her seating arrangement.

She joined Loid over in the dining area, taking a seat across from him at the kitchen table.

"Zuri, you did excellent on the exam. I'm very proud."

"Oh!" Zuri was flushed not expecting the sudden compliment.

"But there's no time to relax. Not only do we have the family interview but you also have to audition for a club at Eden University. Here."

Loid slid the small packet that contained the list of clubs. "I want you to look over each and every club carefully. Pick out any ones that you think you'll be able to get into. You just need at least two to stand out amongst your peers but to ensure your success we'll go for more than the recommended. Understood?"

"Yes, sir!"

Zuri dived into the packet taking in each club that Eden University offered. The school was truly above the rest. Each one was a phenomenal program, boasting high accolades. Nearly every student seemed to go beyond the program after graduation, competing in the field that aligned with their extracurricular activities. Athletes went on to play for national teams. Artists had their art featured and hung in galleries all across the world. Musicians went on to perform professionally, becoming stars on film and stage. The list went on. Those who attend Eden University truly were set for success.

"Let's see...all of these seem so amazing but I'm not sure what I would do well in. With my powers, I'm pretty athletic but I've never played sports outside of games with children from the orphanage. And then I always held back to give them a fighting chance. Hmm...I'll circle a few that I could probably do well in with my natural abilities. I'll get some books from the library and study up."

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