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That isn't danno

Which of some people say it is janno (his clone)

But I think it's someone impersonating him, but if it's something one else acting like him, then that explains why. He says,

"How does he? -"

In the beginning of the intro

And I have a feeling that he did something too riggy when he was knocked out..

Ofc buried him tf

But yeah, it's either someone trying to be him or a clone, but then again, a clone won't have a hard time trying to mimic the original content creator since the other clones didn't sound different except Preston/ clone riggy 

But the machine burned down while Preston was being created, so of course, he'll be messed up

Odd that Danno and riggy sounded different in shorts wars like first it was riggy in season 1 now its Danno lol

But cloning machine went down with the company, so I think that the boss is getting more lackies or more people to impersonating the shorts creators since the cloning machine is gone and that's the only thing that could be a bit close to what's going on ins the moment

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