☁️ Sick Day Off... Kinda

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"What can I... get you...?" SMG3 lets out a couple of coughs as he looks at the person requesting a coffee (or bomb, you never know until they order): Bob.

SMG3 had been sick ever since he woke up that morning, yet insisted on opening the cafe anyway. Eggdog stayed by his owner's side, making it clear he was very against the idea of 3 still trying to run the cafe by letting out upset barks at 3.

Due to Eggdog's barking, Bob was currently unable to make his order, which 3 immediately took note of.

"H-hey," SMG3 coughs again as he weakly bends down to talk to Eggdog, "I need you to stop that, okay bud? I need to make sure Bob gets his order..."

Eggdog lets out a small while, before running out the main door (through the small doggie door that 3 put there, to be exact), though 3 paid no attention to it. He just sniffled his nose as he looked back up to Bob.

Bob started, "can I get your newest bomb release? The new release is banned in several states and this is the only place I can get them at!"

SMG3 muffled out a "mhm" before going to the back to get the said bombs. SMG3 struggled a lot getting the bombs since his whole body felt so numb, which made it hard to bend down and get the needed boxes that had the bombs in there.

Finally, 3 gets the bombs and comes out again to meet Bob. "Alright... your total will be..." suddenly, it was as if 3's brain stopped working completely. How much were these bombs again?

"Uhh... they're..." SMG3 lets out an annoyed sigh due to his brain basically not working at the moment. He eventually gives up and says, "they're on the house.... I guess"

SMG3 then shoves the bombs into Bob's hands (swords?). Bob's eyes basically lit up with joy.

"Holy crap, thanks SMG3! I'm rating this place 5 stars!!" Bob cheers as he runs out the door, bombs in hand.

SMG3 could only let out a small "thanks..." as he suddenly began to feel really tired. Sure, he was pretty tired before, but holy shit was he tired now.

3 didn't even bother going down to his secret room and just made his way to the closet table at the cafe. He slid into one of the chairs, took his hat off and placed it next to him, and passed out, right there in that chair.

Not too long after 3 passed out, Eggdog came back through the doggie door, this time with a person. He came back with SMG4. Eggdog continued to let out concerned barks as he ran through the doggie door and up near SMG3 (though he did stop barking once he got over to 3 as to not wake him up).

SMG4 let out a soft "oh no..." as he walked over towards 3. You could tell by his appearance that something was definitely up. SMG4 decided to put his hand up to 3's forehead and very quickly took note of how hot it felt.

SMG4 quickly made up his mind on what to do. SMG4 first began to close down the cafe (such as the lights outside the cafe and inside) so people knew it was closed. He then picked 3 up so that 3 was now in his arms bridal style. He walks out the door with Eggdog following, now making his way back to the SMG4 castle with a sick SMG3 in his arms.


SMG3 felt weak. Very weak. He could barely move as he began to open his eyes softly. It was hard to see where he was at since his vision was currently so blurry. All he could really see was lots of blues.

3 then focuses on how bad he felt. He now felt 3x worse, which made him want to lay in the bed for even longer. The blanket he was in also made it a lot more comfortable. He barely manages to move his hand around, almost as if to look for his phone (which was left at the cafe). 3 let out an annoyed groan in response, realizing that his phone was gone.

SMG3 could then hear Eggdog barking, along with some silent footsteps. At this point, 3's eye-sight was slightly better, so he weakly turned his head to see... SMG4, holding a bowl in hand with Eggdog following behind.

SMG3 also realized that he was in 4's room, and in his bed.

SMG3 wanted to freak out badly but the bed was too comfy, and he was too tired and sick. He would totally yell at SMG4 after this...

"Oh, you're awake. Are you feeling alright, 3?" SMG4 whispers. SMG3 could only nod his head no.

"... I figured. Well, I got you some chicken noodle soup. Hope that's alright. Just eat it whenever, m'kay? I'll check up on you in a little," SMG4 explained. SMG3 just nodded his head again, this time nodding yes. 4 then gave 3 a soft smile, before making his way out of the room. Eggdog, on the other hand, jumped up onto the bed and began nuzzling up to 3. 3 let out a soft chuckle in response, pulling Eggdog closer to him.

SMG3 couldn't help but feel his face start to burn a little (well, a little more due to the fact he was sick) as he laid there and processed what 4 did for him. He eventually fell back asleep, Eggdog cuddling up with him, a soft and genuine smile on his face as he continued to think about 4.

OKAY ,,, I KNOW I HAVE A FIC IM TRYING TO WORK ON, BUT IVE BEEN WANTING TO WRITE THIS FOR A WHILE SO !!!! I also didn't take the time to make edits to this, so I apologize for any spelling errors and stuff
word count: 997

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