Missing Already!?

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The next day was another school day. It was the middle of the day, and Stevie was looking around the mansion for Lily. Eventually he found her in Darla's closet sleeping on top of a pile of worn clothes.

"Lily! Wake up." He nudged her with his paw. She opened her bright lime eyes. Her cold gaze intimidated him.

"Don't wake me up again." She mumbled groggily.

He ignored her. "I found our plan." He whispered.

Lily's ears perked up and she raised her head. "Tell me."

Stevie smirked. "It's simple. We'll invite her to play with us outside in the backyard and then we'll scare her off."

"...Huh?" Asked Lily. "First of all, how are we going to get that fatass outside? And second of all, how are we going to get her out of the backyard if there's a fence?"

Stevie chuckled some more. "I don't know if you noticed, but there's cat doors for me to walk through in a bunch of the doors, including the one that goes out to the backyard. And as for the fence...when Muffet was younger, she dug a hole for me under the fence so I could go explore the neighborhood. All we have to do is make sure Lola fits through both the door and the hole under the fence."

Lily smirked back at him. "Sounds good to me. Let's go get her outside," She yawned, slowly stood up on all fours, and stretched her legs. "Know where she's at?"

"I think I saw her in the kitchen." Stevie replied.

"Perfect. She's already near the door. Now let's go." Lily stepped off of the pile of clothing and walked out of the bedroom. Stevie followed, and the two of them walked sneakily downstairs towards the kitchen.

Lola was currently getting a sip of water from her dog bowl. Stevie walked towards the back door. Lily walked up to the dog.

"Hey Lola," She spoke coolly. Lola abruptly shot her head up. Her ears perked up.

"Hey Lily!"

"Listen..." Lily took a few steps closer. "I'm...sorry about what I did yesterday. I was in a mood, alright? Anyway...I was thinking I could make it up to you. Stevie and I were gonna play a game outside in the backyard, and I think you should come with."

Lola formed a wide smile on her face. Her tongue stuck out playfully. "A game!? Oh boy! I can't wait! Let's go now!" She ran up to Lily. Lily recoiled back in fear and disgust.

"Over here," Stevie called, pointing at the cat door. "Let's see if you fit through it."

Lola ran up to the door. She eyed it curiously, cocking her head to the side, and then jumped through it. She suddenly got stuck halfway through. 

"Oh great." Stevie muttered. He and Lily pushed her through the door, and they went out as well. The backyard was wide, spacious, neat and green with many flowerbeds and perfectly trimmed shrubs, as expected with a large and expensive mansion.

Lola ran around the backyard while laughing joyfully. "This is amazing!"

Stevie and Lily glared at her from afar.

"Go block the cat door. I'll distract her." Lily told Stevie. He nodded and walked back towards a plastic chair for little kids.

Lily walked up to Lola.

"Lola...you know what tag is?" She smiled mischievously, her eyes slanting.

"No! What's that?" She smiled curiously.

"Tag is a game where one creature runs after another until they catch them. If you get caught, you lose and you have to face the chaser's wrath." She raised her paw and showed Lola her sharpened claws. Lola gulped, but she wasn't going to let weakness show. Lily just wanted to play, right?

"Okay!" Lola chirped. Lily smirked and immediately ran after her. The blackened furs on her spine were sticking straight up, her eyes had turned to glowing slits, her teeth were bared, and her claws were ready to attack. Lola ran as fast as she could threw the backyard. Her breathing was growing heavier. Her tongue was slapping against her jaw, and her mouth was drying up. Her vision was blurring. Why was she actually starting to become scared?

Stevie, who was being very entertained by the spectacle before him, stood near the hole in front of the fence to try and get Lola's attention. It worked. Lola was taking the game far too seriously and when she saw the hole, she darted for it. She zoomed towards it, running for her life.

Lola leaped forward, head first, into the hole. She struggled to climb through it, and the cats began to fear that she was too big. A couple seconds later, Lola was on the other side of the fence and had ran into the woods behind the house.

"YES!" Cackled Lily as she and Stevie pushed a cushion in front of the hole. "Nice work!" She grinned up at Stevie.

"Ew. Don't ever say that again." He replied. Compliments sounded off when they came from Lily.

A few seconds of awkward silence passed.

"So, when's Lola coming back? Has she even memorized the neighborhood?" Stevie asked.

"Don't know, don't care. Now come on, before Shirley notices we're missing!" Lily replied, and then the two ran back into the house.


It was soon the afternoon and Mary, Muffet, and Darla arrived at their house. Muffet ran in first.

"Hey everyone! I'm back from the 7 hours of purgatory!" She yelled out and threw her backpack onto the floor. She kicked off her shoes and ran into the kitchen to grab snacks.

Darla stepped in next. "Lily! I'm home!" She grinned and looked around. "C'mon, where are you?"

Lily strolled up to Darla with a satisfied smile on her face. She rubbed up against Darla's legs. "Thank goodness! Today was exhausting~"

Mary was the last to enter the house. "Where are the kittens?" She asked quietly. Suddenly, Princess excitedly ran up to her and started to headbutt her. Mary knelt down to pet her.

Stevie watched the girls with a troubled look on his face. Muffet had no idea that her beloved pet was gone! How could he be able to live with this secret? And Lily felt no shame! Hopefully they would notice the lack of rambunctiousness soon. 

Shirley walked into the entrance hall to greet her daughters. "How was school today, girls?"

"Tanis and I kept drawing stuff on our desks," Darla replied. "We created a whole story!"

"Drawing on your desk? Darla, don't do that!" Shirley raised her voice.

Darla realized in a panic that her mom did not understand. "The desks are whiteboards!" She yelled back at her mom. "I'm not just gonna draw on my desk for no reason! I don't vandalize!" She replied and walked upstairs into her room.

Shirley shook her head and looked at her daughter in hopelessness. She was surely acting like a teenager now.

Muffet walked into the hall from the kitchen. "Mom, have you seen Lola? I thought she would greet me when I came home!"

"Hm...I saw her this morning, but not recently. Maybe she's been sleeping somewhere all day?" She responded. "You know, it has been strangely quiet all day."

"I'm gonna go search for her!" Muffet ran away.

Lily chuckled, while Stevie started to sweat anxiously. He gulped. "You're not troubled by this at all? What about Muffet?" He whispered loudly to her.

"I only care about Darla!" Lily bared a wide grin that exposed her sharp teeth. She ran upstairs to go find her.

Princess glanced over at Stevie. "Hi Stevie!" She smiled happily.

"Go away!" Stevie hissed. Jeez, what a moron.

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