⇒ The Nerds and the Gangleaders

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The Nerds and the Gangleaders

Author: iCaughtMyself


Ally and Chelsea, the two nerdy best friends of Headley High school. bit what people didn't know is that,they have a secret, they can both get into almost any computer software and are hacking geniuses.

The infamous gang members that just so happen to attend their school have been put on strict Boss's orders to look for the final assets to their gang. Hackers. So they're more than pleased to come across the sarcastic, socially awkward pair and force them into their gang.

But they soon realize hiring them was a big mistake, seeing as they will do anything to get under their skin and escape. But will the girls find peace once they realize that the gang is their only protection from what's recently come in store for them.

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