This is your School

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I woke up groaning, and stretching my legs. It was 8 o'clock, but Beatrice was already wide awake. "You're finally awake!"
She spoke when she heard me shifting around. "Your dad has tried calling seven times; I picked up the last one."

I looked at my phone. Yes he had tried to call seven times, and the last time someone had picked, just like Beatrice said. Ugh. I pulled my covers over my head.
It was honestly way too early for this. Beatrice started speaking once again. Was she ever going to stop? "School starts in an hour!" Then she walked out of the bedroom.

I set my alarm to half an hour. But I must've set it wrong, for only about tens minutes later, it started going off. Right in my ear. I was wide awake now, and realized it was probably for the best.

I did minimal to better my appearance. This was technically my first day at Bullworth(I'm lying that was yesterday), but I didn't feel like caring. I put on mascara, and brushed my hair. God, I reeked. I put on deodorant, and then my uniform.
It looked very ill-fitting. I sprayed some perfume on myself, and chewed some gum for good measure.

"Y/N, are you there?" Beatrice called out. She had probably gone to the living room, and not to school like I thought. "Yeah, I'm coming."
I quickly grabbed my school bag on the way out of the door.

"Let's walk together!" Beatrice immediately grabbed my arm, before an answer could come from me. As we walked near a group of girls in cheer uniforms, Beatrice grabbed my arm tighter, since they began sniggering.

We walked out the door, and there stood Julianne. "Can you two walk me to class?" She gripped her skirt, and was looking around anxiously. By the fountain, there were some guys bullying a boy her age.

Beatrice smiled, and said yes. Julianne said nothing, but gripped the back of my shirt as we walked. By the time we reached the fountain, a prefect had already chased them off, but then berated the boy for being late to class. Weird.

We reached the school, and walked in. I had completely forgotten what the school was like. It looked like a prison, and smelled like one too.

"Math class is over there." Julianne mumbled, while holding the school map in her hand, which I had completely forgot about.
"Bye Julie." I waved at her, but she ignored me the second she let go, and walked into that classroom.

"Well it's off to biology then!" Beatrice excitedly said as she started ranting about what happened last time. Beatrice opened the door to the classroom.
We suddenly didn't need books, because Beatrice hadn't gone to her locker for hers. Or maybe she just always had them in her bag.

At the front desk, there was a balding white-haired man with aging spots on top of his moon. He had obvious wrinkles, and sat with a prominent hunch. He had a name tag attached to his white coat, that read ' Dr. Slawter'.

I looked around the classroom, which at first glance, looked terribly ordinary and boring. Then as I looked a little closer, I could see the shelves were filled with taxidermied animals.

Beatrice had already found her place, so I looked for an empty seat. Preferably beside anyone else. I quickly looked around at the people in the class, and noticed the boy with a pink shirt from yesterday. Nobody sat next to him, so I took that as a sign to sit down.

He didn't seem to notice me as I sat beside him, so I decided I had to start the conversation. "Hey, you're Petey, right? From yesterday?" He seemed to notice me when I cut through the silence. He jumped out of fright at least.

He scanned my face as he looked at me. "Oh yeah, It wasn't a dream." This Petey seemed a little out of it. The teacher began to stand up, and announced that we would be starting. Only then did I notice the near-rotting frog carcass at the foot of our desk.

"Oh wow, what I pleasent sight..." Petey chuckled, and started on whatever we were going to do.
"So, you know what we're doing right now? Because I don't have the slightest clue." He looked at me like I was an idiot, which some would claim to be true, but started to explain it to me. Thank God.

As I slowly got the hang of it, I decided it was time to question this poor kid. Why he was so anxious last night, who had called him, why his shirt was pink. You know, stuff like that.

"So.. What was the deal with you last night?" He brushed me off, and continued to work.  I asked again, and he brushed me off for the second time.
I wrote down some notes, but after painful silence, I asked again. By that time, Dr. Slawter had threatened us with detention, so Petey just decided to pass a note.

I wondered how this kid could write so fast, and so much on a little a paper, because it was very small. He then finally slid it my way so I could read it. 'By lockers.'
Oh goodie. Was this one mentally daft too, like everyone else in this shithole?

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⏰ Last updated: May 24 ⏰

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