Dragonoid-Girl is saved by the Avengers ft Wanda Maximoff

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Wanda Maximoff stood alone in the desolate ruins of what was once a Hydra base. Smoke rose from the remnants of the nefarious organization's last attempt at playing God. She had come here for a specific reason... A reason that had nothing to do with vengeance and everything to do with protecting a young life that had been twisted and manipulated.

In the midst of the wreckage, Wanda's sharp eyes caught sight of a figure emerging from the shadows. Y/N Kuso, a name that was both a reminder of her humanity and a testament to the pain she had endured. Y/N wasn't like the others. Hydra had experimented with her, using a concoction of lizard and bird DNA, morphing her into a dragonoid. The wings and horns that had sprouted from her body were not marks of power but scars of a tormented past.

Wanda's heart ached for the girl who, despite her monstrous appearance, held a soul that craved love and acceptance. The Avengers had found Y/N when she was just thirteen, a lost creature in a world that had betrayed her from the start. It had taken time, patience, and a motherly touch to help her heal.

The memories of Y/N's painful transformation haunted Wanda. The girl had been a mere child when Hydra injected the dragon DNA into her, the sudden growth of wings and horns causing unimaginable agony. It was Wanda who had held her hand through those dark times, whispering words of comfort as Y/N cried out in pain. The Scarlet Witch had become a motherly figure, a source of warmth in Y/N's icy existence.

As Wanda turned to face the approaching figure, she saw not a monster, but a young woman with eyes that reflected both the pain of the past and the hope of a better future. Y/N approached cautiously, the remnants of her draconic form still visible beneath her human facade.

Y/N - Wanda... 

The teenager greeted with her voice soft, as an echo of her gratitude.

Wanda had a motherly smile on, a tender expression that spoke volumes. 

Wanda - Y/N, my dear, are you alright?

Y/N - I am, thanks to you. 

Y/N replied as her gaze flickered to the destruction around them. 

Y/N - This was the last of them, right?

Wanda - Hydra won't hurt anyone else. You're safe now. *nodding*

The two walked away from the ruins, leaving the echoes of the past behind. The road to recovery hadn't been easy for Y/N, but Wanda had been a constant presence, guiding her through the ups and downs of adjusting to a world that had once rejected her. The Avengers had become her new family, and Wanda, in particular, had assumed a maternal role in Y/N's life.


As time passed, it was revealed that Y/N had truly transformed. No longer the scared experiment of Hydra, she stood tall and proud, a resilient young woman with a strength that transcended her physical form. Wanda had been there through it all, helping Y/N rediscover her humanity amid the remnants of her dragonoid past.

Their apartment was filled with warmth, the aroma of paprikash wafting through the air. Wanda, standing by the stove, glanced over at Y/N, who was setting the table. The clinking of utensils and the laughter that echoed in the room was a testament to the bond that had grown between them.

Wanda watched Y/N with a sense of pride. The girl had blossomed into a remarkable individual, her past a distant memory. The auburn-haired Avenger couldn't help but marvel at the resilience of the human spirit, especially when nurtured with love.

Y/N - Smells delicious, Wanda! 

Y/N called out, her eyes sparkling with gratitude.

Wanda smiled, the lines on her face telling tales of battles fought and won. 

Wanda - It's the secret ingredient: love. And maybe a bit more paprika.

As they sat down to eat, Y/N couldn't help but reflect on the unlikely family that had formed. The Avengers, once a group of strangers, had become her sanctuary. Wanda, in particular, had filled a void she hadn't known existed.

Y/N - Thank you, mama. For everything.

Wanda reached across the table, her hand resting on Y/N's as she kissed her forehead. 

Wanda - You're not alone anymore, my dear. You're home.

And in that moment, as they shared a meal in the warmth of their makeshift family, Y/N realized that the scars of the past had faded, replaced by the love and acceptance that surrounded her. The Dragonoid experiment had become a woman, and Wanda Maximoff had become the mother she never knew she needed.

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